90 Gal build


Turbo Snail
M.A.S.C Club Member
Been working on this for a little bit now.
Taking my time and setting things up correctly :)
If I have learned anything in the years I been doing this is the only thing that happens fast is BAD things...
I'm going a bit, well OK a lot unorthodox with this tank.
My filtering will be a ATS and only a ATS.
Lighting is LED.
This will have a closed loop ran by a Iwaki MD-70RLT
A sump outside the stand as I can't fit it under it.. so it will be bigger then the 30gal I had planed on

OK so I got a 90 that was not RR. the V is a shadow from the glass support.

Ordered bits from glass-holes and POOF RR 90! :)

Tank was moved today to its home in my loft.
Some plumbing done and DSB in place and what little rock I have set in the tank.
Will post more when I get it done :)


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Keep the pics coming. Looks good so far.


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Turbo Snail
M.A.S.C Club Member
Well plumbing is done and tank is filling.
Rockwork I'm sure Ill change 100 times before I'm happy with it...



Registered Users
M.A.S.C Club Member
Google ATS or Algae Turf Scrubber. Lots of good info out there. Basically its a controlled environment to grow algae to export nutrients from the water. You provide a nice environment for the algae to grow, and it grows on a screen you can wipe clean every so often. this way it doesn't grow in your tank.