Search results

  1. N1tew0lf1212

    Diamond in the Rough

    After losing every sps frag and colony I had icp results look great despite the situation. Have since changed salts to a better quality. Have a feeling I might of had a bad batch or something. Been a rough struggle lately but starting to see a little hope. Going to get a few tester frags to see...
  2. N1tew0lf1212

    Tank Breakdown

    Rock sculptures? May be interested. Ill shoot you a text in the am. As well as ato? Think we talked about the lighting possibly already but interested.
  3. N1tew0lf1212

    Feelers for a possible tank shut down

    Hope all goes well. Getting dragged through the dirt on one of my systems currently. Hoping to bounce back only time will tell.
  4. N1tew0lf1212

    Diamond in the Rough

    After losing all my sps in the 55g tank triton test is going out to figure out what is going on. Will post results when I receive them. Hope all is well everyone. Keep on reefin on through the good and the bad.
  5. N1tew0lf1212


    Who is everyone using and why? Mixed results on the web and I figure why not open a discussion about it here. Give what you are using and why you are using it in a comment. No bashing will be allowed here. Just honest answers and possibly factual based responses would be awesome. How often...
  6. N1tew0lf1212

    Free - 55g/Stand/Lights, 30g Glass Tank Only, Interesting Skimmer - Golden, CO

    Awesome I will shoot you a text to talk about pickup time I will take it. Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
  7. N1tew0lf1212

    Free - 55g/Stand/Lights, 30g Glass Tank Only, Interesting Skimmer - Golden, CO

    Awesome thank you. Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
  8. N1tew0lf1212

    Free - 55g/Stand/Lights, 30g Glass Tank Only, Interesting Skimmer - Golden, CO

    @rmougey Whats the dimensions on the 30g? Was actually looking at replacing the 20g tall to something a little bigger so I can have a sump.
  9. N1tew0lf1212

    Diamond in the Rough

    I appreciate you on that we will have to figure out best time to meet up. Hope your feeling better. Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
  10. N1tew0lf1212

    Diamond in the Rough

    Things have finally leveled out with minimal casualties. Couple frags of birdsnest. Still hoping the hammer frags and the bubble coral pull through. Mushrooms did the shrink but are slowly starting to fill back out again.
  11. N1tew0lf1212

    Black clown and coral banded shrimp

    @scchase you are still wanting the shrimp correct?
  12. N1tew0lf1212

    Diamond in the Rough

    I typically watch the function of the timers used.(brs dosing pump) to be sure they are functioning correctly. I also as a precaution only keep no more than 500ml of any dose in the dosing container, I do this so that at any given point in time there is a safe gaurd. I am in no way saying this...
  13. N1tew0lf1212

    PAR METER - Rental Program

    You gonna check your tanks while you have it? Give an update if you do. Interested in seeing what your setup is pumping out with all that beautiful lighting setup you got.
  14. N1tew0lf1212

    Diamond in the Rough

    Well did another 20g change right b4 lights out. Alk rang in at 11 before the wc and 9 after. In all thats 40g water change on a 47g system in 48hrs. Test alk and ph in the morning and check cal mag and phos in the afternoon. Will dose cal and mag accordingly and hope to get things settled back...
  15. N1tew0lf1212

    Diamond in the Rough

    He is doing ok bummed that he cant do much and as a kid that does a lot that sucks. The system will get another water change tonight depending on parameters. It was at least clear and not cloudy today. So hoping for the best tonight when I test alk. Just gonna have to troubleshoot that brs doser...
  16. N1tew0lf1212

    Diamond in the Rough

    When it rains it pours. Son got hurt in his game yesterday. Sprained knee smh. Also had a dosing pump get stuck in the on position and it dumped 450ml of vinegar into the lps frag and tidepool system. Came home from the ER to milky white tank and birdsnest chunks floating all over. 50% qater...
  17. N1tew0lf1212

    Black clown and coral banded shrimp

    Hey sorry about yesterday guys. My son had a incident in his game that landed him in the ER for a sprained knee. I will nake plans with y'all on a time to get you the clown and shrimp.
  18. N1tew0lf1212

    SICCE Syncra SILENT 2.0 x2

    We do have the bbq/garage sale this weekend maybe you could bring em there and someone will pick em up. Hope all is well!!
  19. N1tew0lf1212

    MASC Annual Family BBQ and Garage sale September 7th 2024 11am-3pm

    I would say @SynDen bring plenty of hamburgers cause I can eat like 4 people. Lmao its how I keep this thickish figure. Hahahaha
  20. N1tew0lf1212

    Black clown and coral banded shrimp

    I will bring these on saturday to the picnic if that works for you both.