Search results

  1. SynDen

    Cheap frags and anemones 20-30$

    BTAs generally get along fine together although sometimes they can somewhat war with each other. I have seen many people that have tanks with a mix of different BTAs, I personally have done it too with mixed success. Although ime usually one will clearly be more dominant then the others, and...
  2. SynDen

    Coral Spot light videos

    Today's Spotlight - Acropora Echinata
  3. SynDen

    Bimac tank build

    Stunning work man. Can't wait to see it wet
  4. SynDen

    PAR METER - Rental Program

    I think @MuralReef has our Denver PAR meter. You can coordinate pickup with him, and then you can drop off with me when done
  5. SynDen

    Relaxing by the Reef - Reef tank ASMR videos

    Ya, I only ended up putting this particular BTA in this tank because it had never wandered at all in my 75g, and it had never split either. So I was hopeful it would just stay where I originally put it, but it didnt like being messed with apparently. Luckily I don't have power heads to worry...
  6. SynDen

    Relaxing by the Reef - Reef tank ASMR videos

    Technically that rock could move, although not with out a fair amount of fuss. Most of my rock is cemented together so making it a new spot would be a bit of an ordeal. Plus, that nem has wandered a lot in this tank and has for years. Only within the last year or so has it decided it found a...
  7. SynDen

    Relaxing by the Reef - Reef tank ASMR videos

    Me too! Just wish these guys were closer to the front of the tank, but Glad I could finally get a decent video of them doing their thing. Might have to do another sometime when they lay a clutch of eggs
  8. SynDen

    Relaxing by the Reef - Reef tank ASMR videos

    Found my old GoPro, complete with underwater housing. So this calls for an underwater video of the clowns in the back of the tank
  9. SynDen

    February MASC Meeting - Chili Cook-Off @ Underwater Wonders - Feb. 1st @3:30pm

    Was good to see everyone today! Big thanks to @darkangler and crew for hosting. Amazing shop! They got some big stuff brewing and I can't wait to see them continue to grow. I snagged a few nice pieces. Got a Derasa Clam, golden rod anacro, and a green fuzzy finger leather
  10. SynDen

    February MASC Meeting - Chili Cook-Off @ Underwater Wonders - Feb. 1st @3:30pm

    Chili is cooking. See you all up today
  11. SynDen

    Ca Reactor Regulator - Turbo Torch

    I'll take that. been needing a new regulator for mine for a while
  12. SynDen

    Coral Spot light videos

    Today's Spotlight - Goniopora lobata
  13. SynDen

    February MASC Meeting - Chili Cook-Off @ Underwater Wonders - Feb. 1st @3:30pm

    This is coming this Saturday. Thanks to @rmougey, and the Reefstock crew, We will have 5 Reefstock tickets to give away for the Chili Cook-off.
  14. SynDen

    February MASC Meeting - Chili Cook-Off @ Underwater Wonders - Feb. 1st @3:30pm

    Just a little over a week to go for this one
  15. SynDen

    DBTC - Large mixing tub

  16. SynDen

    30g cube +sump and stand

    bump. Will do the whole package for $400
  17. SynDen

    Relaxing by the Reef - Reef tank ASMR videos

    The newest member of the tank community has decided he is above the rules and has been nipping at corals, so I need to evict him and relocate him to the mangrove tank. So of course I had to record the chase and apprehension of the suspect. Will I catch him? You'll have to watch and find out
  18. SynDen

    On the hunt for - horse trough

    I have a large one you could borrow. Its my emergancy backup, so its just sitting in my side yard
  19. SynDen

    How do you all deal with Dinos?

    I generally don't question Cris but dosing silica sounds highly suspect. There are many types of dino, and many of them feed off of silica, so dosing it could make things worse. Of course I don't know your type of dino very well either I had them a while back on my old tank and took forever to...
  20. SynDen

    DBTC - Large mixing tub
