The 120 reef ready upgrade


Cleaner Shrimp
M.A.S.C Club Member
Ok I'm at the point where I am deciding whether or not i want to buy a controller and if so which one. So I would love recommendations I have read a lot of the reviews both good and bad on the apex and am on the fence.
Also what heaters would you reccomend I have the 100w cobalt neo therm in my 30 gallon and love it but almost $300 for 2 300w ones seems a little crazy when you look at the cost of the others especially if they are going to be monitored by a controller.

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The GHL is a solid choice. Very reliable by all accounts and open source. I hope the company is helpful like Neptune or so reliable you don’t need the help.

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Ya cant beat GHLs. I so want their lights and a kh director


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Looks very nice, good balance. What's the stocking plan?


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member


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Ya totally agree. It really pays to sit down, and figure out your stocking plan. You got one fish to start with, look at some others you like, and think of the corals you want to keep. Then build a plan around that.
My 3 favorite community fish are pearly jawfish, engineer goby, and just about any anthias, and I want to keep clams, plus LPS corals, so stocking plan for my big tank is built around a community that supports or co-exists with those.


Cleaner Shrimp
M.A.S.C Club Member
Ya totally agree. It really pays to sit down, and figure out your stocking plan. You got one fish to start with, look at some others you like, and think of the corals you want to keep. Then build a plan around that.
My 3 favorite community fish are pearly jawfish, engineer goby, and just about any anthias, and I want to keep clams, plus LPS corals, so stocking plan for my big tank is built around a community that supports or co-exists with those.
Ok I will sit down and put together a list here in the next couple days.

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