Some of you may know, anytime I try anything new I like to catalog the journey. This time I will be giving you all the play by play on a product by TLF. Acropower is basically an amino supplement for your acros. Actually, many have found this to be beneficial for many types of LPS as well. I have been running across numerous threads and articles alike really praising this product. Not only is it suppose to help with growth but it also really helps with PE and color. Some have claimed to notice a difference after first use. We shall see.
I don't typically like dosing things I can't test for but this comes with such high praise around the net I just have to try it for myself. According to sources Julian Sprung spent over 4 years figuring out the perfect aminos to put in a bottle for our stonies.
I should have my bottle in the next few days and I will begin to dose. I plan to put it on my Marine Magic Doser and will probably dose it once a day. Many say you can leave your skimmer on after dosing but I will probably shut it down for a hour after dosing to give as much as I can to the corals.
I will do my best to catalog my findings here, with pictures. Lets see if this is as good as everyone claims it to be