VI.11. Duties of Voting Board Members
VI.11.a. PRESIDENT - It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Society and of the Board, and to see that the by-laws are enforced; to call such meetings as are herein provided to be called by the President; to have general supervision over all the affairs of the Society, and at the Society meetings to make a report. The President shall sign all written contracts and obligations, unless otherwise provided by special vote of the Board, and no contract shall be valid and binding upon the Society unless so signed. The President will be one of the authorized signers for disbursement of Society funds; the President’s signature must be accompanied by that of another authorized Board member. If the President is unable to attend any meeting of the Board, the President must inform the Vice President and supply the Vice President with a President's report and agenda.
VI.11.b. VICE PRESIDENT- The Vice President will work closely with and assist the President in carrying out all the President’s duties and assist in organizing meetings and setting up future events. The Vice President will act for the President in the President’s absence or at the President’s request, and step into that office in case the President’s position becomes vacant. The Vice President will be one of the authorized signers for disbursement of Society funds; the Vice President’s signature must be accompanied by that of another authorized Board member. If a Vice President is unable to attend any Board meeting, the Vice President must inform the President and supply the President with a Vice President’s report.
VI.11.c. TREASURER - The duty of the Treasurer is to receive all moneys belonging to the Society, to keep an accurate record of all income and disbursements, and to report in writing of such at each Board meeting. A public record of the Treasurer's Report will be available to members upon request and within 7 business day period. The Treasurer will be one of the authorized signers for disbursement of Society funds; the Treasurer’s signature must be accompanied by that of another authorized Board member. The treasurer can redact confidential information from the report but must still account for the funds. The Auditor(s) as approved by the Board shall audit accounts for the preceding fiscal year. If the Treasurer is unable to attend any Board meeting, the Treasurer must inform the President and supply the President with a Treasurer's report.
VI.11.d. SECRETARY - The duty of the Secretary is to keep and maintain a true record of all meetings of the Board (minutes), and of the Society meetings as required. The secretary will send a copy of the minutes to all absent officers and delegates for each meeting. A public record of minutes and newsletters shall be kept online and posted for the general membership within 72 hours of any Board meting. If the Secretary is unable to attend any Board or Society Meeting, the Secretary must inform the President and is responsible for finding a substitute Secretary. When authorized by the Board, the Secretary will assist in obtaining and filing any legal or organizational form, contract or letter necessary for the operation of the Society. The Secretary will coordinate with the Communications Chair & Webmaster to include minutes in the Newsletter and Internet communications to Society members.
VI.11.e. Ex-Officio- The immediate Past President or other former Board member as appointed, shall be an ex-officio member of the Board and shall assist the President in the administration of the Society. Others duties shall be as established by the Board.
VI.11.f. MEMBERS-AT-LARGE - The duty of the Members-At-Large is to assist the other board members in fulfillment of their duties as needed or serve as a replacement for vacancies or temporary absences in the four named board positions. Members-At-Large are also responsible for representing the interests of the member population during board discussions and voting decisions and also will be required to fill one of the appointed positions which follow..
VI.12. OTHER POSITIONS - The Board members may appoint such positions or committees with such duties as they see fit, and may delegate to such any of their powers with exception of Board voting rights. Signature authority for funds may be designated to a bookkeeper upon approval from the entire board.
VI.13 OTHER DUTIES – All Board members are expected to respond to voting polls which occur in the MASC board section on a regular basis as well as maintain contact to the board through responses to Board inquiries.
VI.13. Duties of Appointed Positions
VI.13.a. MEMBERSHIP CHAIR - The duty of the Membership Chair is to maintain the records of all the members and guests of the Society, which includes names, addresses, phone numbers, screen names, email addresses and contact preferences. The Membership Chair shall have general charge of guest records and procedures, membership drives, and all correspondence soliciting for new or renewal memberships. All membership and guest fees are collected and noted by the Membership Chair, and the fees given to the Treasurer. The Membership Chair shall give a report at the Board meeting of the number of members and guests in attendance at Society meetings, as well as any other news concerning the membership. The Membership Chair shall organize a way to supply the Communications Chair with address labels and email address lists in a timely manner. If the Membership Chair is unable to attend any Society meeting, the Membership Chair must inform the President and is responsible for finding a substitute membership representative.
VI.13.b. MASNA DELEGATE - The main function of a MASNA Delegate is that of a liaison between the club and MASNA. Duties include receiving communications from MASNA and responding in a timely manner, reporting important MASNA news to the Webmaster, Communications Chair and at Society meetings, and transmitting back to MASNA members’ ideas and opinions and contact information for the elected officers. The MASNA Delegate should attend the monthly MASNA Board meetings held on the Internet and the annual MACNA conference. A substitute representative to MACNA must be appointed if the Delegate cannot attend. The MASNA delegate will also be responsible for duties performed related to the MACNA event including, heading a MACNA subcommittee, MACNA expenditures, and maintaining the required confidentiality of the MANCA bid process.
VI.13.c. COMMUNICATIONS CHAIR- The Communications Chair will be responsible for the writing and/or collection of articles, news items, minutes, President’s letter and other information to be included in the Society newsletter and on the Internet. The newsletter will be published on a schedule as set by the Board. The Communications Chair will obtain an up-to-date membership list and mail or email a newsletter to all members and registered guests of the society website who have not opted out of receiving the newsletter. When necessary and requested by the Communications Chair, the Board will allocate funds to purchase stamps, envelopes, paper printer cartridges or other materials necessary for the function of the Communications Chair. The Communications Chair will work closely with the Board and the Webmaster to verify, authorize and post information on the Society website.
VI.13.d. WEBMASTER- The Webmaster will be responsible for creating and updating the Society website as authorized by the Board. The Webmaster will be responsible for informing the Board of due dates and payment amounts or other requirements so that the Society can be responsible for payment to the web host or programming consultants as required. The Webmaster is responsible for selecting and training one or more back-up webmasters who can assist the Webmaster and assume the Webmaster’s duties in the event that the Webmaster is unable to fulfill them.
VI.13.e. DONATION/SPONSORSHIP CHAIR- The Donation Chair will be responsible for periodic solicitation of donations to the Society from outside sources including companies, manufacturers, importers, local stores or individuals. The Donation Chair will establish relationships with goods and services providers to secure discounts or other benefits for Premium Members. The Donation Chair will acknowledge and inventory all donations and prepare a list for Board review. The Chair will select items and establish ticket prices for raffles at society meetings. The Donation Chair will monitor the sale of tickets, collection and documentation of proceeds and delivery of all proceeds to the society Treasurer for deposit. The Donation Chair will also coordinate fundraising events for the Society. The donation chair will maintain a list of sponsors, their donations and sponsorship fees including dates of sponsorship. A written report will be presented at each quarterly meeting detailing sponsor relationships. The Donation Chair can delegate sponsor contacts to other board members.