Jodi's Biocube 29g build


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So I realized I probably should start one of these, as I love reading other people's build threads.

Have a 29g biocube (coralife) that I set up Christmas of 2015. I had been reef-sober for about 10 years, and I blame Mike for making one comment at parent-teacher conferences and making me relapse. :)

The tank/stand/equipment was all given to me (arranged by my husband) for Christmas on a relatively short schedule, so I didn't get to research as much as I wanted to before hand. But I'm really happy now. We set it up with live sand and some quality live rock that cycled the tank pretty much instantly. When I reefed last, protein skimmers were the "must-have" for any reef, and my family bought the small coralife one for me (this is where I wish I'd researched more). I've got it in the first back chamber with my heater. And though it will obviously never skim like the nicer/more expensive ones, I do have it nicely calibrated and it pulls a fair amount of wet skimmate from the water - I have to empty it about once a day. It pulls out enough gunk that I'm convinced it needs to stay in there, as opposed to pulling it completely out.

Second chamber has a media rack with filter floss, purigen, and chemipure elite. I'll switch that out for chemipure blue when its time to switch out. The second chamber also has a mini-fuge with calupera fed by a 24-hour led puck light I picked up from Lowe's. Last chamber hasn't been modified (just the return pump).

I change the water once a week, filter floss every other day, and skimmer cup daily.

Running the stock PC lights because the bulbs were brand new when the tank was purchased on craigslist. I'll upgrade them eventually, but no need at the moment.

Current fish is a pair of beautiful occelarris clowns that I picked up from a member - they're pretty large (3 inches) and beautifully active. They also constantly rearrange the sand bed in the two places they've designated as "home", which means I've always got a small bit of cloud in the water.

There's also a royal gramma who was released into the tank and immediately dove into the big porous rock and hasn't been seen since. Not sure if he's alive or not.

- A green hammer which just recently finished branching its second head
- Fire and Ice zoas which the clowns don't like
- Pink zoas
- A beautiful rose BTA that immediately put its foot down and has been doing marvelously for the 4 days I've had it (I've kept them before so I had a fairly good idea where it was going to want to be). The clowns have ignored it, which is fine because it needs to grow a bit before they start beating it to death.
- And handful of hermits and snails, many of which came on the live rock (and a snail-eating bristle worm that's hiding somewhere in the big rock that I have yet to catch). Most of the hermits have molted in the last month.

There are several macro algae that came on the live rock which I have not bothered to identify.

And there are snail eggs and tiny pods all. over. the glass. You've got to use the mag-float if you want to look at anything near the sand bed because they are so densely packed. I didn't realize they were pods (tank is so young) until I was cleaning them off and saw them jumping away. The male clown picks all the snail eggs off the rock, but neither fish is interested in the pods.

The diatoms, GHA, and cyano all came and went. Fingers crossed they don't come back (or just stay relegated to the small back corner of the tank where my flow is low).

There we go. A current picture, which will surely change as I am constantly tinkering. I have a lot to catch up on that I've missed in the last 10 years (hello acans!), but its been a ton of fun so far!


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Photos or it didn't happen.

Most recent Full tank shot

My magfloat expert (a couple weeks ago)

Clowns ween introduced


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Poking the algae in the fuge today (cause, you know. tinkering) and saw AIPTASIA. Stupid buggers. Must have come in on the algae as I was careful about the live rock. Uggggg.

One big. Two little. Ditch the algae and get some new? Or just squelch those guys?


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Or kalk paste. I have kalk at school if you want to grab some tomorrow since you probably got them with the caulerpa you grabbed from the library.


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scchase;635193 said:
Finally took long enough
The lurking runs strong in my veins.

I'll try the boiling first since there's nothing close by that I'm afraid of damaging. And then I'll borrow some kalk from you, Mike, if they come back (which is likely, since I'm betting there are some hiding in the calupera ball). I think I did probably get it from the library tank, but the price was right (and I also surprised Casey when he came in and saw me cutting it).

I'll take the little buggers any day over that stupid worm I have yet to catch (which killed another snail today).


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Just an update full tank shot. Got some cool corals from Mike. Also added two emerald crabs, which are fun to watch. Upgraded skimmer to aquatic life 115, and dealing with a bit of cyano due to lame-o precious skimmer giving up.



Clown Fish
Did you ever catch that worm? I couldn't imagine trying to keep my tank clean without all my snails. Btw... Love your nem! It looks great in that photo


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rjl45;637121 said:
Did you ever catch that worm? I couldn't imagine trying to keep my tank clean without all my snails. Btw... Love your nem! It looks great in that photo
Nope. Tried baiting it out - clowns would just steal the bait. Tried netting the clowns and baiting again, hermits would descend. It killed one more snail (for a total of 3 deaths), but I haven't seen it again since I added the nem. Nem decided to put its foot down right in the cave where the worm would kill its prey. So we'll see if it comes back or not. Most of the snails don't go on that rock anyway since only the macro and cyano grow their. They mainly stick to the sand bed and glass these days. So I'm kinda stuck until the worm makes its next move.

Truly, I'm not sure I have enough for the snails to eat anyway. There's a ton of pods also eating stuff off the glass, and the hermits and emerald crabs are voracious cleaners as well. If only any of those suckers would eat cyano, I'd be good to go.


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Updated shot. New additions thanks to reefdummy, DBTC meeting, and reef stock. Montis from Mike are looking good, even though I've never really dealt with them before (I like movement).

The macro algae that came in on the live rock and grew from non-existent is looking great too. I know the front one is nemastoma, but haven't researched the lacy one on the side. Freakin cool though.

Skimmer is completely broken in and pulling brown gunk every day. Cyano has really been cut down, while macros grow faster. Very happy with the investment.


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I can't get a good photo of the purple haze monti that Todd gave me (too lazy to get out the big camera). But it's started to encrust it's plug. Super cool. I can see why these corals are appealing now


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Looks good! I like the nemastoma. As it grows out I'd like some for the library. I'll trade you something else! I'm not good at cutting things that move though.


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I think I owe you plenty. I'll bring the piece that's attached to your frag plug when it's a bit bigger


Clown Fish
Looking good! It's really coming along.

I have to encourage those that have the small nano tanks :) so many in the club have big tanks, we're in the minority lol
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Poor cube is stuffed to the gills with corals which will eventually go down in the new 40g setup when it's done cycling. So far, the hammers/frogspawn/Duncan are all playing nice. The nem isn't too pleased, but also hasn't started moved. So there's that.

This tank is now located in the loft, giving up the prime location downstairs for the new larger tank. I actually enjoy having it up here, where we spend our evenings. We've noticed that the female clown likes to sleep in the macro algae, which has gone nuts with growth the last month or so.

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