JuanGutz build-off competition entry


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Ran out of Tim’s one & only today so the tank is on its own now. Had some aiptasia in the chaeto so I hand caught a peppermint to rid the DT of one small aiptasia and pulled the ones I could find in the chaeto by hand. By next morning the small aiptasia in the DT was gone and confirmed that this evening as well. All corals are looking great and starting to see a few new heads on some zoas! I’ll update price from peppermint tomorrow.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Hard to get pics of the echinata in the 3g but real quick wanted to share a mother pic. When it does grow out it’s going to be beautiful!


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Been having a few issues with my overflow. I’ll have the gate valve set and for no reason the water in the tank will raise or drop. I have it set at a full syphon and just adjust the gate valve. Anything I’m doing wrong here?


Staff member
M.A.S.C Club Member
M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
MASC Vice-President
Been having a few issues with my overflow. I’ll have the gate valve set and for no reason the water in the tank will raise or drop. I have it set at a full syphon and just adjust the gate valve. Anything I’m doing wrong here?
Do you have some pics? I can’t tell for sure but do you have an overflow? It looks like you have a bulkhead with a strainer I the back of the tank? The full siphon is super quiet but does vary the depth inside an overflow a bit. It’s also kinda dangerous if you don’t have an emergency drain.

Sent from my iPhone using MASC - Marine Aquarium Society of Colorado


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Do you have some pics? I can’t tell for sure but do you have an overflow? It looks like you have a bulkhead with a strainer I the back of the tank? The full siphon is super quiet but does vary the depth inside an overflow a bit. It’s also kinda dangerous if you don’t have an emergency drain.

Sent from my iPhone using MASC - Marine Aquarium Society of Colorado
That’s right just the one bulkhead and strainer on the back of the tank with full syphon. I thought with a good gate valve I would get some consistency on it.
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Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Last night at 10:30 I checked the tank out and the water was swarming with something I’d never seen before.... free swimming hydroids. No idea how I got them in the tank but I stayed up till 12:30 researching and didn’t find anything to cure the issue that wouldn’t harm coral and copepod population. I couldn’t get a pic but I’m not exaggerating when I say that they were everywhere. My clownfish were trying to eat them and the short polyp torch looked PO’d. Really scared to go down and look at the tank this morning. I’ve had filter media since I put this tank together so I’m thinking I’m going to put it in the overflow section to the return pump and try to manually remove as many as possible changing it out every two days and minimal feedings. Anyone else ever run into these things?


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Do you have some pics? I can’t tell for sure but do you have an overflow? It looks like you have a bulkhead with a strainer I the back of the tank? The full siphon is super quiet but does vary the depth inside an overflow a bit. It’s also kinda dangerous if you don’t have an emergency drain.

Sent from my iPhone using MASC - Marine Aquarium Society of Colorado


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Free swimming hydroids have disappeared. Now all I have is maybe 1/8 of what I was seeing on glass. Can’t see them on the rock but I’m sure they are there. The tiny white dots are the hydroids so impossible to get a picture. Need to clean the glass after messing around with the gate valve


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
So just like everyone else I’ve got good hair algae. Zoas look great, echinata looks great. Crystata, hammer and birdsnest are a little pissed but look okay. Hydroids feel like a bad dream as I can’t find any free swimming or on the glass. :neutral:


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Lost my smaller clown. He wasn’t doing well so I tried hand feeding but just wouldn’t eat. :/ I’ll be on the look out for a replacement here soon! No idea as to why!