My New 22g CadLights Reef Build


M.A.S.C Club Member
Drew I will definitely keep that in mind. I am going to play with the setup for the next week or so. I will IM you when I decide which pieces to eliminate. Most everything in this tank has arches...85% of the pieces roughly. Plus the rock is cycling so you wouldnt want it right now anyways but I'll hit u up. Thx


cdrewferd;136010 said:
Looks really nice. If you want to sell one of those arched rocks let me know. I've been looking for one.


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M.A.S.C Club Member
Brief Update:
The tank is almost a full week into cycling and my parameters are zeroed out which is encouraging. Going to hold off until Monday to see if everything stays the same. I am experiencing some diatoms currently but everything including the coralline is starting to look better. I just ordered my first ever controller..the Digital Aquatics ReefKeeper Lite Marine Depot Special...this bad boy will arrive next week and I cannot wait!! Such a smokin deal! I also have decided to change from Reef Crystals to Red Sea Coral Pro Salt Mix which I've heard is one of the better mixes...I did plenty of research and MD had the 175 gallon buckets on sale for $49 so I picked one up! Got free shipping due to my controller order so it made sense. Anyhow, pics will follow tomorrow! All is well...I can't wait to get this beauty stocked :))


M.A.S.C Club Member
CUC To The Rescue

Just ordered my Reef Cleaners package from John. I sent him a "Custom Crew" inquiry at 1am and he got back to me in 15 minutes!! I was shocked. Got lots of Diatoms and some other tiny random algae hitchhikers that I need consumed asap. Less than $50 shipped overnight is a good deal in my book! Thanks to John @
Anyhow the package is as follows.

Quantity Name

20 Dwarf Cerith
7 Nassarius Vibex
8 Florida Cerith
3 Dwarf or Ringed Cowrie*
9 Virgin Nerites
1 Emerald/Ruby Mithrax Crab*
2 Blue Leg Hermit Crab*
1 Scarlet Hermit Crab*
6 Medium/Larger Empty Hermit Shells
10 Empty Hermit Shells
1 1 Penny Macro Algae

I'm gonna pick up some cheato from a local reefer or Elite tomorrow and I am planning on adding my first fishies...most likely a pair of Tank Raised False Perc Clowns or something along those lines.

Looking at these species/colors of clownfish but whatever I get will be tank raised and local. I love these little guys! Next will most definitely be a small Flame Hawkfish :))


Ready...Set...Here..We..Go! :D


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Can't wait until you start putting fish and corals in this thing.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Just a quick update!

Went to Elite to cash in some coral bucks and picked up my first additions for the tank. I picked up a pair of Tank Bred Black & White Ocellaris Clownfish - and a nice sized colony of Zoas that are brownish on the outside with a pink center...they look like nipples :eek:

Meet Bob & Marley - Please note these pics were shot right after feeding and the Vortech was kicked back on so there is ALOT of "stuff" in the water column. Also the pics are low quality....the girlfriend has my good camera...still.......


Tomorrow I receive my custom CUC from John over at ReefCleaners. I'm excited ~ Very interested to see this Emerald Crab that he suggested...I'm still a little iffy on the guy so I'll be monitoring him closely! John has been amazing over at ReefCleaners! Great Shop over there for sure! Also picked up some FREE Cheato from civickm today!

Finally, I am selling my Brand New Tunze 9002 Skimmer on MASC ( 12 Hours Usage) - Click this link if your interested or PM me :)



Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Just FYI, if Bob and Marley are small, eventually one of them will turn into a female. All clownfish are born male and the strongest of the group becomes a female, I think.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Thats what I read as well - They are pairing up nicely and yes they are both small little fellas. I went with a very unisex name in Marley for just that reason lol ;-)


M.A.S.C Club Member
Quick Update! First....Its snowing!!!! :)

Second -
I received my ReefCleaners order on Tuesday and everything is doing great! John is a badass and he hooked it up. The best addition I believe is my Emerald Crab...this little guy...named an eating machine! My algae was gone in less than 24 hours...with a little help from the other CUC.

Third - Went to Elite and Heather once again hooked it up! I picked up a Long Tentacle Plate Coral and a good size frag of Star Polyps. The plate is a little more temperamental than I'd like but my animals get nothing but the best so I hope to keep him thriving with weekly feedings etc....but we'll see. The Star Polyps are doing just fine. I'm currently on the hunt for some more small Zoa colonies...I just love their look, their ease of care and their colors.

The tank seems to be thriving, my parameters are currently:

Ammonia - O ppm
Nitrite - 0 ppm
Nitrate - 0 ppm
PH 7.82 - 8.0
Temp 78 F Stable thanks to my AMAZING ReefKeeper Lite!
Calcium - 480-490
Alk - 8-9 DKH
Phosphate - .25 ppm
( Working on that..gonna add a GFO Reactor from BRS Soon or a media bag)

Also Bob & Marley are happy as can be --



Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Looking good. My emerald never stops eating either.


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M.A.S.C Club Member
Quick Update!

Its Feb 8th! The tank is doing well and I'm 3 hours from being 1 year older...ughh!!
I decided to go Zoa/Paly heavy on this tank simply because I LOVE the coloration of these beautiful creatures.

I have recently added a large order from JGonzz on Monday Feb 6th - My new addition consist of the following:

Baby Dolls Zoas
Blue Moons Zoas
Bumble Bees Zoas
Bam Bams Zoas
Dirty Pinks Zoas
Lemon Berry Zoas
Mind Blowing Paly's
Lemon Drop Palys

A perfect trio of Euphyllia --
A Gorgeous Blueish Purple Tiny Wall Hammer
Another gorgeous 2 headed Frogspawn
Another beautiful 2 headed Torch

I also added a few other items from a local reefer

2-3 inch Gorgeous Galaxia Frag
2 Large feather dusters ( Which I LOVE )
1 decent size colony of mixed zoas & palys
5-6 Blue, Brown and Red Mushrooms ( Baby's)
Small colony of Yellow Polyps on a T shaped Rock (T for Trevor ;) )

The current Param's are as follows:

PH 7.8 - 8.0
Nitrate .05 ( Water Change completed today)
Alk 8.5-9 DKH
Calcium 470
Phosphate .25 ( Have a BRS GFO Reactor on the way )

For my birthday I splurged on a 75GPD BRS RO/DI system, some Hanna Checkers and the BRS GFO well as couple other needed items. Looking forward to getting my presents in the mail :)

Here are some pics...again my camera is not that great for underwater photography but I'm learning to how to program it!



M.A.S.C Club Member
3 Month FTS Update! Nice Video Included

My pride and joy will be 3 months old in 6 days so I figured I'd post an update. Sorry the video was done with my camera's minimal video capabilities so the quality is mediocre at best BUT I did throw in a little Scottish muzak for ya ;-)

I'm trying to really dial in the coloration of these beautiful zoa's/paly's but LED's make it difficult..makes me want to go to a 150 MH setup but I dont know. The good thing with this LED setup is the growth I'm seeing. My zoas/paly's/Frogspawn,Galaxia and GSP are growing at an incredible rate so I'll take the lack of coloration for excellent growth. This CAD 45w LED is supposed to be = to a 150w MH and so far thats not too far off but we'll see! Tell me what you think!

Next addition to the tank is my 3rd & final small fish....Flame Hawk, Goby or other..prefer a non jumper but personality is a must :)


Nitrate 0
Salinity 1.024
PH 8.05 - 8.33
Alk 9.4 DKH
Calc 480
Mag 1400 ppm
PO4 0.01

Running Red Sea Coral Pro Salt, Carbon Rox, Purigen, Filter Floss and 5g water changes every Wed. Skimmerless with a large Cheato Fuge on opposite light schedule. Using a heavy CUC which has been a great decision thus far except for the Little Green Jerk who was removed after killing 3 prized LPS :mad:

I'm working on a stock sheet update so I'll post that once I figure out everything I have in this baby...lots of zoas though!

The tank is doing incredible and I'm very happy with everything so far....I just wish it was BIGGER :)

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M.A.S.C Club Member
NEW FTS 3-7-12 + New Fish!

:D New FTS 3-7-12 - Sorry my pics are mediocre at best...more like terrible. So close to buying my Canon EOS 60D..I hope!


Added a couple Zoas frags and my all time favorite fish - " Ol' Crazy Eyes" the Red Flame Hawkfish

Tank is pretty well loaded but I'm saving a couple spots for Reefstock specials unless of course if I win a tank....which is the prayer! :)

Current Param's

Salinity 1.024
Nitrate 0 ppm
PH 7.89 - 8.25
Alk 8.68 DKH
Calcium 420 ppm
Mag 1350 ppm
PO4 0.00 - 0.01 ppm

So far a thriving very happy tank thats growing daily. I'm looking forward to my first frag'n party!
Also thanks to all the AMAZING people I've met through this forum thus far...I have never met people so kind and generous! Very happy to be a part of this community and I look forward to many many more years~

T-Minus 4 Days Till Reefstock!!


M.A.S.C Club Member
FTS Shots with New Camera 3-11-12

Borrowed my brothers Canon 30D DSLR. I'm working on fine tuning this thing...its slightly outdated but it does the trick. Here are some of the latest additions and just straight up coral porn :) I did some movin around tryin to find room...i think I'm finally happy with it! BUT I WANT A BIGGER TANK:rolleyes:

I'll be posting a link to my Flickr account once its up to date! Stay Tuned. BTW, if you know the names of these zoas/palys etc throw them my way. I think I know a few but ya never know with the way the names are tossed around these days :) I buy on looks not brand names but it would be nice to have a reference! Thx and njoy
