****Sad Friday - --- - Breaking down 90g - Live rock, Corals and Fish***

I was hoping this wouldn't need to happen, but current finances and unexpected family stuff force it. Breaking down a 90 gallon reef tank. I will list the aquarium, stand (black wood), 8-bulb Current USA T5 fixture, supplemental LED strips, coralife 65 skimmer and all other equipment/supplies/chems once livestock and rock are gone unless someone offers for the lot of it, so if you want to save me the hassle, please feel free to come down and see everything before it gets split up, but you'll need to be quick). I will try to add more pics as the day goes on - last night most everything was closed and only the actinics and LED were on when I was trying to photograph.

Live rock, mostly Fiji, some Tonga branch (see below), has good bit of coraline, mushrooms here and there, one rock has a big stalk of lavender-colored pulsing xenia, another rock has some yellow/green finger leather coral on it - full of pods, stomatella, brittle stars. NO hair algae outbreaks, redbugs, flatworms or aptasia - I have actually honestly never seen one aptasia anemone on my rockwork. I once bought a frag that had one on it and I rooted it out manually in another container AND bought peppermint shrimp as a preventative, lol, and have never seen any in my DT. As for the rock, I am guessing it's at least 90 pounds altogether but probably underestimating. One of the large shelf pieces has to be 20 on its own. I would let the lot go for $125 plus anything that is permanently affixed to it. I really would like to sell it all to one person. You get an idea of the amount and characteristics in the pic below. It's nice porous stuff with lots of holes and crannies, purchased from long-established systems.

Six-line wrasse --$5 SOLD
Lawnmower Blenny, this guy is tiny but eats like a pig, frozen food, algae, anything--$5 SOLD
4 fuzzy mushrooms on a small rock--$25
Large fuzzy mushroom on a tonga branch--$20
Nuclear green palys frag plug, 3 polyps--$10
Peppermint shrimp (1-2, after rock)--$10****PENDING Bush
Frogspawn, one little head--$10
Ricordea, glows yellow under LED--$5 - this guy is actually attached to a rock, sorry, but you can buy the rock for $3 a pound that he is on - it's the giant shelf piece though
Bright green mushroom pair on very small rock--$10
Cabbage leather coral--$10
Big purple barnacle rock with colony of gorilla nipple zoas--$30
Eagle eye zoa frag--$15
Kenya trees, one 6 inch --$5-10 each
Holey rock with clove polyps on it $15 (rock is maybe hand-sized)
Blue non-pulsing xenia frags, quarter-sized $5 each
Gorilla nipple zoa frag plugs--$10 each
green zoa frag plugs, one unidentified and one Green Bay Packers--$15 each
bambams, a 2 polyp frag--$10
Favia/brain coral, green/blue--$15
toadstools (3) $5 each
GSP (2)--$5 each
candy canes, one glowing green frag with 3 heads, others are light blue and some are pink--$10 each
-- many hermits (can go with rock or after but not before as it would be too hard to catch them all (blue-legged, scarlet-legged), snails (some turbo, nassarius, astria, etc), ****PENDING Bush

Please bring suitable containers such as large buckets or tupperware for the rock and anything attached to a rock. Most of the corals are on plugs. If you need more pics of anything, I will try to accommodate as quickly as possible, but I am at work today so would be later this evening. Also, these prices are pretty fair I think, less than what I paid from hobbyists, but you are welcome to make an offer via PM or text. It never hurts to ask. I will be around Saturday pretty much all day and probably Sunday too, so text me or call and let me know when you can come down. If you're really interested in the tank and equipment, PM or text me and I can let you know all the details. Please let me know you saw this on MASC. 720-220_588nine

rock with fuzzy mushrooms:

kenya trees, mushrooms:

toadstool and mushrooms:

soft green palys, cup coral and fuzzy mushroom on tonga branch:

gsp, nuke green palys, cabbage leather coral:


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I'll PM you some info. They're 48" tubes with blue led's inside
MajicMike just snapped up the Duncans and the Acan is pending to Cherub
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Thanks, I'm sure they will
you are so welcome - thanks for helping me out! Let me know if you need anything else


Cleaner Shrimp
I'm feeling your pain, I've been where you are before. Hope it comes back to good times for you quickly.

I may be buying a 125g today to replace my old 75g. That being the case, I'll need just a bit more LR soon (although does not need to be today).

How much would you like (roughly) for that large rock you have as a shelf (left middle, has green fuzz and candy? corals on it). As well as it's rough equivalent just to it's right? (might be the center brace as well?) Those two rocks would be fabulous additions to the extra two feet I'm about to move into!

(figures I'd ask for the rocks in the middle eh?:rolleyes:)
I have to move some of the rock temporarily to get at the fish today, so let me get back to you on those. I appreciate it


Cleaner Shrimp
I actually feel even worse now!

I've really inspected your rocks in that pic. You have some serious rock stacking skills buddy! That right leg/s of the main stack looks hairy as I'll get out!

It's a shame to have to touch that stack, let alone pull it apart!:(
LOL, yeah, that shelf is pretty big, but it needs to move anyway as it's impossible otherwise to catch the clowns. Every time we try to net them, they sneak under it for about 5 seconds and then rush back the to nem, see the net and take off again under the shelf. Driving me nuts.


Cleaner Shrimp
You know, The price on all the rock is fabulous. If I had $150 right now I'd buy it all (as soon as I have the 125g secured that is). The problem is I only have enough to buy the tank, plus about $100 (need gas too).

So, I'm going to say sorry for asking you to break it up, if it's all still around on Monday the 2nd (payday). I'll take it all! (which I doubt it'll last that long).

Sorry again, just wasn't looking at the budget there for a min.
The rock is temporarily out if anyone wants the wrasse for like $5. All the other fish are sold, but still need to sell a lot of other corals. I am keeping the original post updated with details. Also, have the led light tubes for sale on equipment thread - come down and see everything. Rock $3 pound including big shelf piece, lots of coraline
THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH everyone who bought corals and fish from me. I had someone just buy everything from me, so I am officially out of the saltwater game, but hopefully be back someday. I have to say this has been the nicest board I have ever been a part of.