I’ve run these on the big tank at school for years. They are solid simple to adjust and can hold a ton of food and adjust to various food sizes.
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So we’ve tried a variety of solutions and the problem has continued to grow. Things we’ve tried:
1. Joe’s Juice no notable changes
2. Aiptasia X-seemed to have the opposite effect once they recovered plus I think it killed our blue hippo it should be noted that Jodi disagrees.
What we can’t...
Our crazy clowns currently have two clutches of eggs. The obvious bright red patch just below the clown and the little wrigglers with eyes by the patch of algae up and to the left from where the clown is.
The ReefMat is amazing! Once it settled in we’re going through 20-24” a day which is probably about a roll a month. The water has never been so clear even when we attempted to keep up with the filter socks. It also cut our need to clean the glass in half. Best Christmas gift to ourselves and...
Finally found some peppermint shrimp to take care of our aiptasia problem, but if you asked our hawkfish he said the $10 shrimp buffet was open for business!
Ours can be aggressive when we introduce new fish, but generally it is well behaved. It is also a Desjardini not a standard sailfin. I would expect some sparing to happen between your other two and any new zebrasoma species you introduce but that’s fairly standard. I’d worry more about the...