I’ve seen horse troughs pop up from time to time. Anyone have one?
If all goes according to plan I’ll be moving at the start of march and want to use a horse troughs for the transition. Thinking 150 gallon size.
Any advice for the move? New house is about 1 mile away.
Anyone interested in joining forces to get to free shipping on gluemasters.com?
I am needing to order another bottle of the thin viscosity to continue building my rock structure. They have thick, medium, thin and ultra thin depending on application.
Soft coral w/ anemone packs. Blue shroom, teal/green shroom, forest fire shroom, zoanthid, toadstool and green w/purple tip anemone. Located in Denver SE of downtown.
single polyp of each shroom, 3-5 polyps zoanthid, small toadstool and anemone $60