Search results

  1. Ambrosio Aquatics

    anyone have any krak!?

    wondering if anyone has speckled kraks or any other variant on the kraks. also looking for CARS or bowser, money shot aka hyper jubilee ,fruit loops emerald on fire, rainbow hornet
  2. Ambrosio Aquatics

    external pumps for sale quality brands and 175gal mixing tank

    i have a few pumps that were removed from various commercial aquarium systems. i posted them of Facebook and have attached the link i dont check my inbox on masc much so contact me...
  3. Ambrosio Aquatics

    who has true pulsing xenia?

    hey reef heads i have been after pulsing xenia for some time thought i had some but it never pulses! who might have some they want to part with? also want to get my money shot zoas back if anyone has those let me know. thanks!
  4. Ambrosio Aquatics

    who has money shot zoas?

    looking for money shot along with other muti color zoas. ie bowser, cars, hornets, fruit loops, emeralds on fire ect... let me know what you have thanks!
  5. Ambrosio Aquatics

    looking for macro algae and xenia!

    no that is not a typo i am actually looking for some pulsing xenia lol and macro algae. also would like to find some sympodium again anyone out there have any?