10+ eye of echinata

pretty cool, glowing orange eyes, just needs too much space he loves to send tentacles of death out!! about 2.5"

$20 pick up in Fort collins at event or Vail

View attachment 8682
haha... all them front range places are the same. foco... loveland... haha. Yep, that one. It is pretty sweet, especially the eyes. But it just needs too much space. It has burned a blasto and an acan. Got a zoa too that I thought was a gonner, but that thing just came right back after a couple days. Pretty decent chunk too. Very hungry but I never feed it cuz I don't want it to grow. hahah.

I will be coming in from Vail so I won't get there until about noon. Trying for 11:30. Thanks!

Juan-it is yours! Thanks!
OH, is Juan your name? My name is Amber-shouldn't be too hard to find each other.