120gl tank and stand for sale

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Cleaner Shrimp
What are those things on the front of it? They kinda look like metal bars holding the canopy up??

Is it drained? Or is that Rabbit fish (and any other critters) coming with it? If so what?

WHERE are you located? When does it HAVE to be moved?

Sent a PM with these exact same questions at 6:45pm 3-22-12
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those bars are straps that were holding my lights wile i was fitting the top. the tank is empty just the tank and stand. are for sale. i build the top for it but it is not done. and i am moving house soon so i would like to sale befor then. i am at 120th and wads. in broomfiled


Cleaner Shrimp
Sounds good so far. I live in Arvada, and work in Boulder. So, your right in the middle. I have money too!

Last couple questions, What is the condition of the tank itself? Many, if any Scratches? Chips?

So, the canopy is not for sale? Just the tank and stand? I'm handy and could finish the canopy myself. Or I can build my own. Just asking.:cool:


Cleaner Shrimp

I'll take it! I'm loading your number in my phone now. I'll call you later today to arrange pickup.

I've been running the most scratched up 75, with two chips for over ten years! I'm excited as he77. ;-)


Cleaner Shrimp
The tank is collected. This is a dead thread.

Other then the black paint on the back (outside) of the tank, and a single deep scratch at the sand line on the left side of the front, this was a steal at $125! I'll go talk to the Sherman tank guys about drilling the back, as it says the bottom is tempered, but the back might not be. The stand needs a coat of paint, but blows my lousy old center support stand away! The canopy will need some serious work, and paint.

Thanks Honda350
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