180 gallon tank, stand, overflows, pump

I have a 180 gallon tank for sale. It comes with the stand and canopy, pump and sump. The overflow setup is a beananimal style and is super quiet. It also comes with return piping. I recently took this tank down so it needs a little bit of cleanup.

The pump and stand are not very old, everything is in good shape.

$400.00 bucks for everything. I am not willing to split this stuff up at this time.

Thanks, Marc
Here is an album with some pics


CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a killer tank and a killer price tag!!!!!!! I dont need it, i dont need it, i dont need it .........um honey lol?
It really is a nice setup, it was my main display till I got my 210.
I do have a truck and trailer so I can deliver within reason and cost of gas.