I still have 2 clowns for sale
1 Clarkii - $10
1 small storm clown $30
Some live rock - mostly large and xtra large pieces.
$3/lb for regular live rock
$4/lb for Tonga branch (2 large pieces, some smaller)
1 Tonga branch show piece - $150 (first pic, center)
2 1" x 6" x 6" bio-plates - $50 each
All rock and plates have been live for 4 years
The rock was all thoroughly cleaned and "boiled" with muriatic and citric acid before being placed into service. It may have a little coraline, but this tank never really went anywhere so it's still very "clean".
I also have several pounds of large dry rock and roughly 1/2 bucket of dry rubble.
pics were taken in a rush with some funky lighting colors. better pics available on request. not sure I even posted these correctly....
Pickup in Golden.
reply to thread, DM or text @ 3o3.249.9I32
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1 Clarkii - $10
1 small storm clown $30
Some live rock - mostly large and xtra large pieces.
$3/lb for regular live rock
$4/lb for Tonga branch (2 large pieces, some smaller)
1 Tonga branch show piece - $150 (first pic, center)
2 1" x 6" x 6" bio-plates - $50 each
All rock and plates have been live for 4 years
The rock was all thoroughly cleaned and "boiled" with muriatic and citric acid before being placed into service. It may have a little coraline, but this tank never really went anywhere so it's still very "clean".
I also have several pounds of large dry rock and roughly 1/2 bucket of dry rubble.
pics were taken in a rush with some funky lighting colors. better pics available on request. not sure I even posted these correctly....
Pickup in Golden.
reply to thread, DM or text @ 3o3.249.9I32
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