20+ polp frag of Whammin Watermelon

As title says-$15 Pick up at the event on Sat. in Fort Collins or Vail. First to pm or post gets it! Sorry about the unrotated pic!

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M.A.S.C Club Member
I'll take that instead of the acan and I'll give u $5 to cut the difference if there is one. Let me know if it's still avail. Thx. C u Sat Amber
You sure? Those are the acans in front of them in the pic. They are still available and that is cool with me. Just let me know.
k, I'll keep you down for the acans. I'll still bring the ww even if nobody speaks for them before I head down.

Sorry reefmaster-you will need to talk to coloagro for a frag. :)