20x20x20 cube setup FS lots of extras


Butterfly Fish
Sorry I haven't been on, I'm getting ready to move to Chicago next week. I have a Oceanic Cube for sale with cherry stand and a glass door. Very good condition.
It comes with a 20K 120 watt Chinese LED lighting with one cord for blue and one for white. About 45 pounds of live rock with a bunch have corals on it. The only piece of rock I'm keeping is one with 30 Posiedons fury and rainbows. It also comes with a 1050 Koralia and a heater. Who ever buys this will also get a bunch of corals from high end zoas to favias MY CHOICE. Just the corals alone would be worth over $200.

Needs to be picked up at the latest Sunday, pick up in the Springs and first $300 takes it.



Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Stupid graduation? I would buy it all but cant get by Sunday! :(

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M.A.S.C Club Member
Wow, I love the look of it. What are you considering for transit prep, What's inside the stand look like? Are you going to the DBTC, probably not huh?


Butterfly Fish
Metalsniper the stand has a glass door and its super clean on the inside. Sunday works, if you want to meet me in Denver Saturday that works too. I kinda want you to see it in all its glory though lol. I'll pm you my number


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I saw this tank a few months ago and it is awesome!

Alex if this sale does nor go through let me know I will figure out how to get it by Sunday!

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