240 rr acrylic tank

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240 gallon acrylic tank. so Ive decided to go a different way, I purchased a 175 bow front and need this one gone so i can finish setting up my other. I have had this sitting in my garage for over a year, removed major scratches buffed, fine scratches not visible once filled with water. drilled at one end. I believe the dimensions are 7'L 2'W 3'H ill double check tonight. Ill also post pics later as well.

This is just the tank, no stand, no canopy,

update tank dimensions 7'L 30"H 2' w

The top corner cracked but reinforced see pic, there are a couple ares i need to finish buffing and will do this weekend, you can see these in the pics.
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sorry price might help, looking to get $500 but never turn down offers, also would trade for led lights for the 175, vortec pumps, ect let me know what you have
Ill take 400 as is I really don't want to work on this any more light buffing in a couple areas and you have a tank to fill. I just want it gone so I can get my bowfront up and going.
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