29 bio cube. Evo 150 dim. Vortech mp10

I have a 29 bio cube with a Evo 150 dimmable. Mounted with clean brackets to the stand. Mp 10. It has clumps of sunset monti growing on the back right wall. Clumps of superwomen monti. And meteorite cyphastria growing on the back left wall. ( looks sweet. ) $400


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Price on MP10?


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Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
no prob, I know Rex is working long hours and prob hasnt had time to check this :) some of his corals I bought will be in tonights live sale too :) Rex is a great guy and hopefully he gets the itch this fall to build another reef!