4 years and still a mysis shrimp

Hello everyone. My name is Ryan and I've been on here since 2012. I figured I would properly introduce myself since I am planning to set up a new aquarium and bring the hobby back into my life. I began my love for aquariums back when I knew nothing about them and had freshwater tanks until 2005. That's when I was talked into trying out saltwater (which escalated quickly). I began with a 29 gallon, shortly upgraded to a 55 gallon after that, then a 75 gallon and finished off with a 300. In 2014, I tore it all down and moved to Denver for a lot of reasons but primarily to open myself up to better job opportunities (know of any?). Now that I am finished with grad school and attempting to pay off debts, I figured there's no better way to pay them off then to start a new aquarium. More so because I truly miss it. Anyway, I have begun work on a stand for a 40 breeder, which I plan to turn into a mixed reef, and hope to one day set my 300 gallon back up or maybe I'll upgrade that as well. I'm a DIY guy all the way and hate the headache that can come with it, but love the accomplishments. I was fairly active on SCMAS and before that was on quite a few of the forums in Wisconsin.



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Very nice and :welcome: back


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and lol you are lucky. Now it is mysis shrimp, but it used to be detritus
I too have been here awhile and am still a mysis shrimp, I was also in Wisconsin and moved my 20g Reef with several corals, inverts, a shrimp, 2 anemones, and 2 clown fish out here about 2 years ago. I worked my way up to a 125g currently
Bigk40k;637369 said:
I too have been here awhile and am still a mysis shrimp, I was also in Wisconsin and moved my 20g Reef with several corals, inverts, a shrimp, 2 anemones, and 2 clown fish out here about 2 years ago. I worked my way up to a 125g currently
How'd your move go? I tried to move my 75 when I moved here. It was a disaster. I will never try to move a tank again.
Andrew_bram;637372 said:
Need anything for your tank I am sure I have spare stuff around
Thanks for the offer. I have all of my ranks and equipment still. Once I get things up and running it'll be shopping time for fish and corals. I'm taking my sweet time though. Almost done with the stand and then it'll be on to the plumbing design and making a sump.
ryewalk84;n637374 said:
How'd your move go? I tried to move my 75 when I moved here. It was a disaster. I will never try to move a tank again.
It went ok for me, I threw out the sand, put all the rock and water in buckets and individually bagged everything else and put it all in a cooler, when I got to my new place I setup a 20g bare bottom, had about 10g of old water and made enough new saltwater to top off and everything made it