Hello everyone. My name is Ryan and I've been on here since 2012. I figured I would properly introduce myself since I am planning to set up a new aquarium and bring the hobby back into my life. I began my love for aquariums back when I knew nothing about them and had freshwater tanks until 2005. That's when I was talked into trying out saltwater (which escalated quickly). I began with a 29 gallon, shortly upgraded to a 55 gallon after that, then a 75 gallon and finished off with a 300. In 2014, I tore it all down and moved to Denver for a lot of reasons but primarily to open myself up to better job opportunities (know of any?). Now that I am finished with grad school and attempting to pay off debts, I figured there's no better way to pay them off then to start a new aquarium. More so because I truly miss it. Anyway, I have begun work on a stand for a 40 breeder, which I plan to turn into a mixed reef, and hope to one day set my 300 gallon back up or maybe I'll upgrade that as well. I'm a DIY guy all the way and hate the headache that can come with it, but love the accomplishments. I was fairly active on SCMAS and before that was on quite a few of the forums in Wisconsin.