75g Rimless w/ Starphire glass aquarium (Needs to be resealed)

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Hey all,

I'm looking to sell my 75g Rimless Starphire glass(all sides) tank(48 x 18 x 21 tall). It includes the overflow though I'm not including the bulkheads because I strongly suggest replacing them any time you are breaking down/setting back up. The glass is in great shape. Unfortunately, when the tank was moved last year, it was never truly leveled which caused a lot of strain on the silicone and a small leak near top left, so this tank should not be used without replacing the silicone. With good silicone the tank could easily go for $1000. I'd like to get $250 for it, but will listen to offers. I'm also willing to bring it by if you're in the Denver area. I think it's a great opportunity for anyone willing to take on a project to get a pretty nice setup.

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This does not include the stand or any of the other items, though I'll be selling everything I have.
I want to make it very clear for any potential buyers, you will need to plan on scraping the silicone off and completely reattaching that end panel. Even though the leak was small, the joint is definitely compromised in that top-rear left corner. I just want to make sure no one thinks it's as easy as covering the leak.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Still a great deal for those DIY's to get an all starphire glass tank cheap. I love starfire compared to regular glass. It doesn't distort the colors like regular glass does. GLWS
The aquarium has been used for almost 2 years, so naturally there are some scratches. There are no major gouges or anything, but there are a few scratches that you can see if you are looking for them. I've always been extremely careful when cleaning it and moving any rocks around and so forth. My plan right now is to get the aquarium out into the sun this weekend and get some better pictures. The glass still has that jaw-dropping clarity you expect from starfire.
Hey Salty, I appreciate the offer but I sold the tank last night.

For everyone else,
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