8 Gallon setup for sale


Clown Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
As my tank upgrade comes nearer i am in need of money and i don't have the time to take care of my nano anymore. So i am selling my 8 gallon reef, it is about a year old now and it is an aqueon evolve 8. It could use some cleaning up but it is in good shape overall no visible scratches or anything like that. It has a filter cartridge in it but i don't have anymore but they are inexpensive at any LFS. It comes with a heater and the return pump and there is matrix in the bottom compartment. It has a thermometer, magnet cleaner, roughly 5-7 pounds of real reef live rock, a mushroom coral, and some other corals not in the best shape. For livestock it has a pistol shrimp, a couple nassarius, a hermit crab, and an astrea snail. It comes with live sand that is scattered because the pistol shrimp. I upgraded the light it comes with to a more powerful one to grow more coral. Im asking 150$ but feel free to make me an offer I just need to get my upgrade started. PM me for my phone number because i do not know how to post picture here so i will text them.


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your welcome :)