85 Gallon Tank With Stand, Canopy, Sump, and other Misc. Stuff

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Looking at upgrading, would like to sell this one- $175
85 Tank (Very Clean, minimal scratching) Same dimensions as a 90 but 22" tall.
Oak Stand
Oak Canopy
20 Gallon DIY Sump/Fuge with clamp on light
Eggcrate Top
Return Plumbing
5 Gallon bucket of crushed coral
Rio 2100 (Needs impeller)
Here's some photos of when it was up and running- http://www.thescmas.com/forums/showthread.php?8445-My-90-Gallon-Build/page2
Here's it now-

I can obviously help you load it up, I'm sure there is more that I am forgetting, I'll update it tonight.
I was going to have it drilled tomorrow, but plans may have changed. You can always make it reef-ready:) glass-holes.com has some cool stuff. Make sure it's glass-holes.com not gl*******s.com though. The second is a porn site.


Hey you
M.A.S.C Club Member
yeah or I can get a hassle free reef ready set up ^^ I've really been eye balling rimless tanks lol. I love the Illuminata but it's the same size as my current tank and I do want to go to a 70-80 gallon tank. I'm sure someone will snatch this bad boy up. Hell put it on craigslist for a hundred more.
I put it on CL for $200. But I can't blame you for wanting a reef-ready set-up. That's what I want to do this time around.
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