90g & 55g Tanks & Misc Equipment Looking for a Good Home

The following is up for grabs:
  • 90 gallon reef ready tank with stand
  • 55 gallon tank with stand
  • Canopy that can work with either of the above tanks
  • Approximately 80 lbs of live rock (full disclosure.. some cyano included)
  • 250 MH ballast and bulb
  • Misc test kits
  • Heaters, air pumps, hoses, etc
Free to a good home. Preference goes to anyone who is interested in the complete package and must pick up in Thornton, CO.


M.A.S.C Club Member
The following is up for grabs:
  • 90 gallon reef ready tank with stand
  • 55 gallon tank with stand
  • Canopy that can work with either of the above tanks
  • Approximately 80 lbs of live rock (full disclosure.. some cyano included)
  • 250 MH ballast and bulb
  • Misc test kits
  • Heaters, air pumps, hoses, etc
Free to a good home. Preference goes to anyone who is interested in the complete package and must pick up in Thornton, CO.
Very cool to give away
Oh im in no hurry...i have been on the same setup for i sh*t you not 20+years.I have been as close as checking TDS of sourse water.I had to sell a Custom 800 sump for 250 bucks .now im Thinking about getting this 170 bowfront and setting up this 90 as a Species Specific Tank.Always wantted a mellow Seahorse Oasis or a Home for Snowflake Eal.Anyway if anyone has a Larger..120+ Acrylic Tank with a sump im in the market.....OH im sorry i Hijacked this thread.


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Oh im in no hurry...i have been on the same setup for i sh*t you not 20+years.I have been as close as checking TDS of sourse water.I had to sell a Custom 800 sump for 250 bucks .now im Thinking about getting this 170 bowfront and setting up this 90 as a Species Specific Tank.Always wantted a mellow Seahorse Oasis or a Home for Snowflake Eal.Anyway if anyone has a Larger..120+ Acrylic Tank with a sump im in the market.....OH im sorry i Hijacked this thread.
I do have the 90g tank but if you are wanting it its yours.....i am keeping the stand for sure though i have a custom 90 gal that i made that i needed it for. Came home with all stuff today and wife didnt realize it was two tanks and stands oops maybe I left that out lol. But yea like i stated you are more than welcome to the 90g tank message me if you are interested and we can go from there
No i have a 90 gallon tank im building already..its all the other stuff (besides light) i need.Thank you i think i was misunderstood...im good . I would love a 180...Looking for Other junk...
Oh i might pick up a 180..eather way when i start a build ill do a Thread with Pictures and such..Hope to have a 180 and a 90.Yay im so looking forward to haveing a tank up.