Acan frags


I recently purchased 3 acan frags from a fellow aquariast. What is the best was to feed them? What is the best placement? AND should I glue them to a rock or just place them on top of a rock? Also, I want to try to hybridize them, by gluing the skeleton of the frags together.

Any ideas or help is much appreciated.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I think "hybridizing" is only going to work if you know the species of the acans. Your acans may just kill each other instead of "hybridizing." I think placement also depends on type of acan but I'm not totally sure, don't keep many acans. I spot feed the acans that I do have sometimes and usually when I'm feeding they will grab some of the food from the water column to eat. Rock placement is totally up to you.


Butterfly Fish
Put on a flat rock and feed them pellet food or small mysis. If you have high light keep them in the middle of the tank. Dont give to much flow. I wouldn't hybridize them, cause ive never done this and dont know what happens. Probably best to just let them be and not frag them for a while. let them grow on a rock to the the colony grow out and be all huddled up together so its easier to make a frag of one if ya need to.

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Sorry I'm not trying to hijack your thread but I also picked up quite a few Acan frags as well from a fellow reefer. Thought maybe my questions and issues would backpack on yours well.

Here is my scenario:

acclimated the corals and then did a short dip in Two Little Fishes ReVive Coral Cleaner (I know, I know wass being cheap that day didn't get the Coral Rx).
-Placed the frags at the bottom of my tank. My lights are 500w mh, 220vho super actinic and 24w LED. Frags all looked Awesome (big a puffy)with in the hour but by end of the day, they were all retracted.
-Lights out and all of them had their feeder tentacles out but not inflated.
-Freaked like a new parent :) and reading some I put them under a shelf so no longer blasted by light.
-Next morning, lights on and all were still retracted in skeleton

Ok so, now that I am out of breath .......Any one have any thoughts?


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M.A.S.C Club Member
They could have a little light shock, but you do have them in the sand. I would find a place and keep them there for a few days so they can get used to their new home. Acans can be very hardy once they are settled. And to night when all the lights go off, turn your moons off as well and then take a flashlight after a few hours and see if they have their feeders out. If they di they are fine.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Mine always take a few days to get cozy and open up when I get new ones. Mine are in the sand and never have a prob. Just make sure if they are getting full of sand brush them off a bit.

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CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Dbarnes;146069 said:
Just make sure if they are getting full of sand brush them off a bit.
Lol how much is a bit? I seem to be tempted to get the sand out every hour or so. Wondering if I need to get them out of the sand bed some how
Hi all,
Thanks for the tips and suggestions. I opted to go with the suggestion of not hybridizing the acans. They are all on their very own rock, and doing well so far. They were nice and puffy after 1-2 days. I have been feeding them 2-3 times per week at night when the feeding tentacles are out.