Advice and suggestion for upcoming move


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
So my landlord is making me switch units, bigger unit at the same price so Im ok with it. Obviously Ive got a reef tank that will need to be moved. This will be the first time Ive re located the tank / livestock since the tank has been fully stocked, and in all honesty Im a little nervous.

Im currently running a 90gal mixed reef tank, and will be upgrading to a 130gal.

My plan is this: Im going to purchase the new tank and get it set up in the new unit and cycling before I even think about touching the current set up, I figure by adding water bit by bit from the already running set up it will help the water in the new tank cycle faster. Heres the main delimma I have encountered. I really want to keep my current fuge, I custom built it and the thing is awesome. Problem is, Ill have to get the fuge in the stand of the new tank before adding water to the new tank as the fuge will only fit through the back of the stand, this of course leaves my current running tank with no fuge. I was thinking of buying a temporary sump to run on the tank until I can move evrything into the new tank, obviously my objective is to make this as easy as possible without as little stress to everything.

Let me know what you guys think, any suggestions are much appreciated.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Honestly I would put all live stock in tubs with water heater light piwerhead you know the good stuff. Then I am assuming your using new sand. I'd put the new sand in the new tank then mix some old sand with the new to seed it then add all your rock. With all that done and your established fuge. Your cycle should be very short if it cycles at all.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
My issue is having enough lighting for the tubs I would need, I guess I could use my 48" LED strips, or hang a MH above the tubs. I think what your saiyng is the best option for sure, and the quickest.

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
I would plan to use the CaribSea live wet sand that Aquamart sells for new sand. Then use your water change water mixed with new water and you'll be good to go within days.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
Where is Aquamart? Im gonna need quite a few bags for DSB in a 125!!!! Hope there are stocked up.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
About Wadsworth and Hampden.


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Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I moved my two setups in 24 hour period loaded all corals and fish into buckets and totes pumped all water into a storage tank on my trailer and moved the tanks and set them back up only lost a couple things out of a 600 Gallon move. I moved about 30 miles you should be able to move it in one day! I reused my sand and its still good 2 months later


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
I may take you up on that. Ill keep you posted.


M.A.S.C Club Member
If its a move within the same day, use all your same liverock and water. New sand shouldnt be a problem as the rock holds the best bacteria populations. Just use 5g buckets and rubbermaid tubs or trash cans. I just moved the reef contents from a 220g to my 110g over 30 miles with no powerheads or heaters even. Didnt lose a single coral, just two shrimp.

IME, if you use your current water only adding 40g more of new salt mix, you should do just fine! If you require a good bit more time, I'd consider heaters/powerheads.

Does your sump have any liverock or sand in it?
I moved from Greeley to Rifle using the same tank in two days (200 ish miles) with no losses. The biggest things are enough storage containers, and keeping the live rock submerged as much as possible. If you let it sit out for an extended period you might have problems, but otherwise pile it in a brute trash can or plastic tote and fill it with tank water. Depending on how long the move takes you might want to have a small heater to keep the temperature up for your livestock, but if you have the other stand setup it probably won't take an extremely long time.

I just made sure I had everything predone that I could before the move, water made etc.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I agree with Shelby, move it all in one day! use new sand and your existing rock and water and the difference in water volume will be like a large water change. I wouldn't bother cycling a new tank from scratch. I did this when I went from a 55 to my 110, your live rock will know what to do :) (just do not be tempted to re-use your sand, just enough to seed). Rubbermaid tubs are your best friend, get more than you think you need, base rock comes out last but needs to go in first so it should go in one tub. coral in another, fish etc.... Good luck with the move, your livestock should be fine.