Aefw :(


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
So I have added two sps/acro frags to my 75 gallon display in the last year. Both within the last couple months. One of them must have come in with these little bastards. I had this system running for a while on autopilot and it was doing sweet. I have done more testing and even a couple water changes in the last few weeks trying to figure out why, all of the sudden, my acros look like hell(haven't done water changes in two years and all my parameters are within acceptable ranges). I have lost a few and a few more are in really bad shape. I have been suspicious of AEFW since the issue started, but through dips and everything else, could not confirm it until today.

After reading up today, I am going to treat the system with Levamisole Hydrochloride. So far I have found some I can order, but none locally. If anyone is headed to Murdochs, Bomgaars, livestock supply or bird supply, it is a wormer. Pigs and birds mostly. Please let me know if you see it. I need to get this before I lose anything else.

Wicked Color

Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
There is a murdochs a couple miles from me, I will look for it tomorrow for you.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
There is one in in Parker and stockyardsupply on vasquez. I just need to know if they carry something. Thanks.

Off The Deep End

Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
There is a bomgaars up by me, if you call and they have it i could pick it up and ship it to you or send it down through the grape vine:)

P.S. Here is there # 970-593-6283


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I think I read that the Bayer Advanced Home defense with germ killer kills these little bastards.......check out this link THREAD . HTH.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I would try the bayer treatment, but it will definitely kill the pod base. It took forever to get that back after interceptor for red bugs a few years ago.

I will be calling around tomorrow during my lunch.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
If you want to try it I have a gallon of the stuff (It was on sale....). I have used it as a dip with sucess (no AEFW though).



Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I need to treat the tank at this point. My aquascaping does not allow for dipping easily. If I wanted to go to a qt tank I would have to break up 20#+ rocks. If I can't find someplace with it locally tomorrow, I will call Mills Fleet Farm and place an order. I know they have it. Thanks though.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
It will kill more than just the worms. When I hade AEFW in my 300 I diped all acros and monti's in the stuff and it kill everything on the coral but the coral. I have a tread on here somewhere. I look to see and hope I did not delet it.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
amonchak;150043 said:
Which dip did you use Martin?
Back then I use Tropic Marin PRO CORAL CURE. I also dip a fresh water dip to the hardier Acos first to kill the eggs. I know usr Coral R/X on all corals befor The go in to my system! ALL WAYS!

You have to kill the eggs or keep treating till the all die off!

I found this stuff might help you and can go right in the tank it looks like with out kill of all your pods.



Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
OK after a short stop at Premier. I no longer think this is aefw. I have not found any flatworms, but due to how the corals are shedding flesh, I was willing to take a shot. Will and I discussed what the corals are doing and he had dealt with something similar before. When he had, he had crushed up the tips of the coral and stuck them under his microscope. What he described was spiraling round worms.

So armed with his microscope and a bucket of salt water, I headed home for further investigation. Did the water change first thing to try to relieve some stress(I have changed more water in the last two weeks, than the two years prior now). I pulled a tip off of one of the affected corals and put it in a cup with water. I added some iodine to the sample, to get things moving. Nothing came off the coral and all I found in two water samples was a couple larval copepods. Now I crushed a small part of the tip with a couple drops of water and found what I believe Will described to me. I believe I have found the culprit and prazipro or coralrx should knock these out. I have a video of these buggers moving around, but no idea how to post it.



Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I did dose PraziPro to the tank, twice, with no negative effects. But it also has not stopped my corals from receding. I have never found adult aefw, but did finally find what I am sure are aefw eggs on the underside of one of my acros. So last week I set up a 10 gallon frag tank and fragged everything that wasn't doing well, and dipped them . Ordered some frag plugs from Mrs.salty on ebay(25 for $5, free shipping, 4/17 and received 4/20). So I will be cutting up the rest this weekend.

This will probably spark a rebuild of my tank, which has been in the same spot since 2007ish. my move thread is no longer on the build forum and I moved it right after the forum started.

It's time for a new tank as mine was used and scratched to $#!t anyway. Not sure if I will take time for pics, but I always enjoy builds :)