Annularis Angel for Sale


M.A.S.C Club Member
Juvi pattern at about 2.5" (for real, not a Live Aquaria 2.5").

I got this thing as a tiny about the size of a quarter and it was mostly clear with very little color. It has been QT'd (copper), de-fluked (prazi) and in captivity for 6 months, healthy and growing in a tank with other QT'd fish.

It eats NLS pellets, flakes and any kind of frozen food, so it looks amazing as it has grown.

It has been reef safe in my SPS and clam tank.

This was always a rent-a-fish for me since I only have a 120G. You should probably have a 180G, or larger.

$100 OBO. I get that only angelfish lovers might be interested (and will appreciate a clean angelfish) - thanks for looking.


M.A.S.C Club Member
If you have a look in a crystal ball, I would ask for the lotto numbers and not the future of an angelfish. I have have good luck with pomacanthis (chrysurus and emperor) with what I keep. I have had chrysurus for many years without any issue. It helps a lot if you keep them well fed. I have found pomacanthus better than dwarf angels.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
Fish will take what evers easiest. If your keeping them regularly fed, they will generally wait to be fed, if you let them starve, theyre going to find something to eat. I have multiple fish in my system that people say Im crazy for having. Guess what, not one of them eats corals or inverts, becuase I feed twice a day and leave nori on vegi clips in between, theres plenty of other "easier" options for the fish and this is what they go for.

Also, Ive only tried this twice, but it seemed to work both times. I had a banana wrasse that loved to eat ornamental shrimp, expensive snacks to say the least. Well he one of my faviorite fish, wasnt going to get rid if him so heres what I did. I removed him from the system, he went into a QT tank for 10 weeks all by himself. While in the QT tank he was only fed frozen and flake food. After the 10 weeks he was put back in the display, 6 months later and he hasnt touched one shrimp. I think by removing him and taking away that source of food for such an extended period of time he just flat out forgot about eating shrimp. I had the same situation with a coral beauty eating zoas. DId the same thing and months down the road I havnt seen the angel eat one zoa.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I have a similar theory and experience that is: fish and inverts are not going to starve - if you don't meet their needs, they will adapt slightly and meet their own.

I didn't go to Copps preso at Reef Stock, but he has had lots of Pomacanthus in his tanks over the years.


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I forgot to look while I was there do you still have this?