Another Ricordia is melting away


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Hello all. Well, it's been about a week since one of my three ricordia melted completely away and now a second one is melting away in a similar manner. Anyone have any suggestions? Here is a couple of pictures. You can see the slime coming off of it. The slime is the ricordea melting away.

. View attachment 14624 View attachment 14625


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
It looks like brown jelly disease. Anyone have experience with this?


M.A.S.C Club Member
I got mine at ReefEd the same day, I won 4 of them in the raffle. They are in very low flow areas of my tank and they are doing fine. Pretty sure this is what the guy said to do who was selling them.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Might have to increase the flow to get rid of the slime, as well as a dip. Might be too late though :(

Also, have you tested your water params since the last one died?

Here's some reading if you haven't come across this info yet:


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Thanks for the link munch. It is very informative. I siphoned some of the jelly off and did a coral dip. The ric is missing a quarter of it's body and the mouth is now split in half. I have it in a pee cup with tank water now and am worried to put it back in the tank for fear of the disease spreading to other corals. I have tested the water and do water changes weekly. I would like to place it in high flow but it won't stay anywhere it blows around like crazy because it is loose.

Here are the parameters as of this morning

temp 79.3
salinity 1.0245
alkalinity 9
ph 8.1
ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 5
calcium 440
phosphates 0

Chswkt, I had 3 rics, 2 I placed about 1/4 of the way up from the sand bed and the other one I had on a snail shell on the sand bed. I get low to medium flow in both locations which I was told was fine. I do get a little more flow higher up off the sand bed. After I first noticed the brown jelly on the first ric, I moved it down to the sand bed because it would not stay in place. Both of the rics on the sand bed suffered and the other is fine.

I think it is too late for this ric. Man this brown jelly eats fast!


Cleaner Shrimp
M.A.S.C Club Member
Another Ricordia is melting away

Have you tried it in a low flow, low light area of your tank. That is the only place where rics are happy in my tank.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
I currently have it in a pee cup with no flow and no light. It seems to be forming a new circle and the brown jelly is off of it. The problem though is the mouth is only half there so it will probably starve and die. I don't know. I dipped it last night and this morning. My monti seems to be having some issues too so I put more flow on it and it seems to be doing better.