Anyone have pair of Maroon Clowns?

Looking for a pair of (I think) Maroon clown fish. I saw one which was recently given to my LFS which was a really dark red with deep yellow stripes and "Maroon" is the best I can come up with in my research. My husband calls them "Arizona State" clowns.

Just wondering if anyone was thinking of getting rid of a pair or was a breeder - thanks! Would be willing to pay cash or trade my pair of regular perculas.


Cleaner Shrimp
M.A.S.C Club Member
The Maroons' tend to get very aggressive as they get bigger.

Mine also ended up being given to a local store, after attacking way to many fish!

Wicked Color

Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
You are looking for gold bar maroons, and yes they get super mean, especially the females, most aggressive damsel I have seen.
Darn - that's too bad - LFS earlier tonight said the same, so no maroons I guess. Maybe I need to switch to a pair of black clowns instead. I hear they are aggressive too, but willing to risk it. I think ZOOID breeds them?


Users with zero posts needing moderation to determine if they are spam bots
Our black clowns are cool, mainly mean to each other occasionally, just like married folks.
LOL - anyone tried keeping a pair of black clowns with a pair of standard perculas? Wondering if I should trade mine at the LFS for some black


Butterfly Fish
Good reef I have both black and orange clowns not living together, but in different tanks. I have seen though them live together before in other tanks. As long as there is enough space and territory with maybe some anemones for a home, there shouldn't be a problem. The orange is see get along better than the black. The black though are not bad. The male and female i have fight a little bit but i dont see to much agression towards any of my fish living with the blacks. Black clownfish aren't bad. black percs are like the same thing as orange percs so they should get a long fine and get to the same size to with not to much agression.
Thank you very much - I might have to try it and just keep an eye out for aggression issues