Anyone know what these are?

I have had these little white spots popping up on my rock. About the size of a bb they go away after a few weeks, I have noticed some baby snails in the tank is this there eggs?


M.A.S.C Club Member
Anyone know what these are?

from what I've seen in my tank, snails leave a trail of eggs on the glass. I don't know what kind of snail do you have so hard to tell.
Yep. Have to agree. They are nerite eggs and they are all over my tank as well. Fun little guys and if they hatch and multiply, even more awesome!


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Unfortunately those eggs aren't viable in our tanks...they need brackish water to hatch.
[attachment=63899:name]White little bit of black in them, two little antennas sticking out. No little trapped door when I pick them off of stuff. I have seen them on my zoas but haven't noticed any harm.
I have a ton of these in my 75. I would guess somewhere in on 200 of them (if only they were big guys, I could make some money). When I did my research I found them to be called collonista snails. They stay that small their entire lives. They are mostly good but I have read that they can get caught in power heads and float valves, so if you have a mechanical float valvle for an ATO they can get to I would think about putting mesh around it to keep them from getting in and locking it on or off. Other than that they make a great snack for my valentini puffer, seem to keep my rock clear of algae, and have not attacked any of my coral.
Sweet yea i would say I have hundreds of them. I have a float for my ato in the sump but a fail safe about 4 in above it out of the water. Thanks for the heads up