No, it has a built in webserver to send out emails and text messages. You just hook it up to your network to send out emails/texts.
For example, here is my code for email and text alarms;
If Switch1 CLOSED Then ON
If Temp > 82.0 Then ON
If Temp < 75.0 Then ON
If pH < 07.85 Then ON
If pH2 > 07.00 Then ON
If pH2 < 06.25 Then ON
If Outlet PHigh = ON Then ON
Switch one is my float switch in my sump. If I have a leak this will tell me.
Outlet PHigh is my main tanks PH. I have it on a virtual outlet because when my ATO tops off it does it though a kalkstirrer and the virtual outlet has a 2 minute defer statement so I dont get false readings.