Aspiring Reefer... Hi Folks!


My name is Scott and I live in Lakewood. I've never owned a saltwater tank before, but I have kept several freshwater tanks throughout my life. My only goal in life at this point is to start my own reef. Just as soon as I have a spare $10,000

Wish me luck friends! I can't wait to meet you guys!


Thanks! Will do. Such an expensive hobby. But it's all I can think about anymore. I spend all of my free time these days reading books, watching videos, pricing equipment, and building my tank in my head. It may still be several years before I can afford to do it properly, but it is truly my biggest goal. One day I'll accomplish it.


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Welcome! Used equipment from Craigslist or here, if carefully chosen, can save you lots of money! I commend you for reading and researching!

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Thanks! I would NEVER, and I mean NEVER consider bringing a life into my house without properly researching first. To do so is not only irresponsible, but actually cruelty in my book.I'm not saying I've never had a pet or a fish die on me before, but it wasn't because I was too lazy to open a new browser tab and start Googling. Plus, for this kind of $$$ you had better believe I'm going to be patient and thoughtful before I make a decision.

I was at a child's birthday party recently and someone gave the girl a glass bowl and a Betta fish as a gift. That's it. Both at the same time. In my head I just kept repeating the words "Nitrogen cycle, nitrogen cycle, nitrogen cycle...". I hope that little guy makes it, but I can promise you this... As soon as my 11 month old daughter is capable of learning how to PROPERLY care for aquatic life, I'm going to make sure she learns it. And I have a new house rule... No pets as gifts.


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Beta will actually be fine... But still not a very thoughtful gift.

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Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Welcome to the forum! The hobby can be very daunting at first but honestly you can start a very nice tank with everything you need for around $200. Now this may be a pico tank I'm talking about but you can still get your feet wet and feel it out. It's a good amount of work so you'll know what to sort of expect with a larger tank. I'm a huge fan of pico's though and leaving and getting back in the hobby a lot! Always feel free to ask questions and we will always do our best to answer.