Baby Bangai cardinals fs/ft


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Shouldn't you be featured in CORAL Magazine or something??? You go Bangai breader. I have clown goby's and my two sets of clown fish that lay eggs all the time..... getting them to live past 24hrs is a whole other matter.... at least it's free food for the reef.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Hmm - I am looking to possibly get some cardinals. I would maybe want 2/3 to begin with. Anything you have to do for these guys when they are so small? I only have 2x clowns and a Randalls Goby so I don't think they would get picked on/eaten. My peppermint shrimps are both kind of jerks though....

I feed thawed frozen foods right now, but don't have access to live brine... When will they be eating things others than live foods?

Other than that I am very interested.


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Reef_Newbie;290983 said:
Hmm - I am looking to possibly get some cardinals. I would maybe want 2/3 to begin with. Anything you have to do for these guys when they are so small? I only have 2x clowns and a Randalls Goby so I don't think they would get picked on/eaten. My peppermint shrimps are both kind of jerks though....

I feed thawed frozen foods right now, but don't have access to live brine... When will they be eating things others than live foods?

Other than that I am very interested.
Probably a couple weeks but I'm trying to get rid of them right away

I am in NorthDenver off of I-70 and Pecos


Cleaner Shrimp
aztecdreams;291131 said:
Probably a couple weeks but I'm trying to get rid of them right away

I am in NorthDenver off of I-70 and Pecos
I would love to have 4, if you have them I can pick up this weekend... I have a 5 gallon salt I can grow them out in until they are big enough for my 90


M.A.S.C Club Member
would totally take 2 of these!!! but i can't really feed live brine in my 180 with them & not sure how they'd handle a wp40 and an mp40...

if you get them to eat frozen or flake or anything really, I'm down for 2 or could do a school of however many you have left at that point.


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
JodiMae;291137 said:
I would love to have 4, if you have them I can pick up this weekend... I have a 5 gallon salt I can grow them out in until they are big enough for my 90
I have them. PM me and we can set up a time this weekend. Just not Sunday :)