Best way to move?


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
We r moving in May. Currently have a 30 setup and am upgrading to a 65. The 65 is currently empty w some pieces of dry rock, I have started to let these sit in the water change water off my 30.
What's the best way to move to the new tank without loosing corals/fish? Do I skip the acclimation part? Keep all the old water? How do I setup the new rock work while using the existing? Etc. Luckily all corals still on plugs so I can leave them sit while new tank is setup.
Thanks! We r trying to get the new place to overlap our current lease so that we have about 2 weeks total to move. Also, in the upgrade going from 192 watts PC to 300 watts mh.

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Turbo Snail
I moved my tank last year with great results. I only moved it across the house. I kept all the water, didn't add any rock or inhabitants. It took me about 6 hours total.

I read that you shouldn't reuse your sand but a few members suggested I'd be fine since my tank was only a year old and my sand bed was relatively shallow (< 1"). I emptied all water so the sand didn't have much water slosh around in. I then added another 40lbs of live sand on top of my current sand bed and 6-7 months later everything is fine. For you though, I'd probably ditch your sand and have new live sand in the new tank.


M.A.S.C Club Member
We just put livestock in an insulated box and drain the water down to the sand. Move the tank and set up at new place. Make sure to have enough new water at your new destination. May want to save about 30-50% of the matured water. Live rock can just be put in a tote with some wet paper towels on top of it to keep it moist. Just keep it simple.



According to my watch, the time is now.
M.A.S.C Club Member
Corals and fish in their own buckets (not too packed in, so the fish don't get hurt and corals don't fight). Inverts in their own bucket. Rock in its own bucket, completely submerged in water. All buckets should have circulation and be kept at temp as best you can manage. Otherwise, stuff dies. If you have airstones, use those in the fish buckets to increase oxygen levels. Your fish will love you for this. Sand in bottom of tank with minimal disturbance IF it's fairly new sand/system. Water - doesn't really matter, because it doesn't have anything in it like beneficial bacteria or anything. It's not gonna help cycle the tank if you keep it.
If you've got a fish buddy nearby with room in their sump, consider 'kenneling' your fish and corals with them until the tank is moved and set up again. That way, you'll have lots of time to get your tank situated and past the nearly-inevitable mini cycle.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Thanks! Like the kenneling idea. Will definitely b doing this to help w the mini cycle.

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M.A.S.C Club Member
How quick is your move? If you have the time you can do it similar to what I did for my upgrade.

Cure rocks in old waterchange water in prep for the move like you are doing, but make sure to seed the cure with a small amount of your existing rock. When you can start setting up in the new place set up the larger tank with new sand, your cured rock and saved water with a few scoops of your old sand to seed it. You can also add some liquid bacteria to seed the bew stuff faster. Then top off with fresh saltwater and start skimmer, lights etc for a couple days. Then move livestock to a quarantine tank and move all old rock to the new tank, draining out any excess water from the increased displacement. I would toss your old sand or rinse VERY well and save for later. Let this sit for a few days to make sure ammonia is undetectable, and then acclimate fish to it just like they are a new fish.

Optimists say the glass is half full. Pessimists say the glass is half empty. Engineers say the glass is twice the size that it needs to be.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
End of April so ur method would b great! Only had this tank setup since August. I have a spare 20 I use as quarantine. Thanks!

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