Bowfront FS: Empty, ready to go

Acrylic (needs to be buffed out, scratches here and there)
6ft tall including stand and canopy

6ft long
1ft at the sides
2ft at the middle
2ft tall

Comes with stand, 2 T5's, 2MH 400w 20k, ballasts for the MH and T5's, power strips, and tank.
Stand needs some work, could use a sand and refinish as well as some work on the canopy itself.
Ballast: Old school for the MH, Ice Cap for the T5's

$750 OBO. First person to show up with cash takes it.


Past when it was running:

If you want more pics or want to come see it, please let me know.

LIKE I SAID, first one that shows up is going to take this!
./shows up with $400
How many gallons? What is it's dry weight? Could two people move it or is it more like a 6-man job?
Two people easy! I can move it by myself other than the awkward size. I need more than 400? Keep throwing out numbers.
I can help you move it into your vehicle. I will be on the porch all day today and tomorrow, so let me know. It's probably 150g or so
LoL. My maximum budget is probably about $500. Do you still have a tank set up? I can also include frags as well if you are interested in that too. It is drilled, right?
Hadn't seen his other threads, so didn't know he was taking a break.
PM if you want to come by and take a look. I'm dry, no water flowing at my place so frags won't work. If your real interested let me know and come take a look. Make sure it's what you want.
I'm willing to go lower if some one really shows interest and wants it.
It's RR, double overflows.

Easy hook up, but I would invest some time in refinishing the stand and buffing the acrylic.
It would be a great project and at this price you won't find a better deal for this size tank
PM sent
Thank you very much for the help and the awesome deal. I will definitely have to start a build thread for this bad boy. Moving in july so wont be able to set up until then, but that gives plenty of time to polish the acrylic, do some wood restoration, and other fun stuff like that.