Bulkhead Hole Sizing

About to order my set of bits from glassholes to start my first drilled tank.
Thought I had saved my parts list, but cant seem to find it. Or the post that
compared the OD of different size bulkheads matching it to the appropriate
hole saw size.

If you remember the measurements, or have a link to the post, or know this stuff by heart please post it up.

The primary holes I will be drilling are for a 1in Bulkhead, but we had a post on here sometime ago that had a list of a wide range of bulkhead sizes with drill bit sizes to best fit em.

I havent started my build thread on this yet, but if you want a peak at the set up please check the link at the bottom of the post. I think post 12 has the diagrams exploded for viewing of the actual set up. Bean put a lot of work into this and Im hoping to recreate his work for my 75.

Ty deep. Might go with a slightly larger bulkhead, looking at beans set up he kept the 1in at the bulkhead but opened the rest to 1.5. Checking if thats intended or just from parts on hand.

Anyone else ever set up one of the bean 3way failsafe overflows?

if anyone runs across the list with all the sizes please link it.

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Off The Deep End

Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I think crustytheclown set his up with a bean overflow.

1" = 1 3/4" hole
1 1/2" = 2 3/8" hole
2" = 3" hole
Not a bad price.
my daughter gave me a hundred bucks made out of toast today that she nibbled into a rectangle, can u make change?

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