If you feel like going to Fort Collins, I have several options.
Caulerpa Prolifera: good consistent absorber and won't go sexual if you keep an 18 on 6 off light schedule. (I use this in my sump)
Caulerpa Mexicana: this is a inconsistant absorber needs a 20 on 4 off light schedule to not go sexual.
Garcilia Hayi: this is a burst absorber can be on a normal light schedule. I have never had this go sexual. (I use this in my sump)
Red Garcilia: Constant lite nutrient absorber grows fairly fast. Good tang/rabbit fish food. never seen this go sexual
Ulva: high light high flow macroalgae. Best tang food. won't go sexual
Codium: I don't know much about this algae
if you feel like getting some different types, check out this website:
http://live-plants.com/ tons of info and you can order them there.(Start a group buy would be suguested)