Can brown jelly be white?

Noticed my frogspawn looks pretty sad this morning and perhaps injured?
Very deflated and can see an area where the soft tissue meets the stem that has
a white jelly? or Something holding on to the stem.
Will try to grab a pic, battery on cam was toast so charging now.

Never seen what it looks like when they get injured, but it has me worried. My duncan
had the same white jelly before he sucked emself in and never came out again.
The frogspawn is one of my favorite corals so this sucks!
Reading up on the white/brown jelly
It will be white till it turns brown and its usually indication of an injury.
Sorry for the pic but my camera seems to get ****ed with aperature when ever Im trying to get a shot of the corals lower in my tank

The jelly is off to the left of the coral and has tripled in size since this morning, it has a bit of a tail leading off the main piece as well.
The frogspawn looks so sad Im not sure to just pull him out or try to save em. The center is all open and the branches are all deflated and not pulling together tightly.

If anyone has successfully revived a coral from injury like this please let me know. All I can think is that in tank cleaning yesterday he got swiped with a piece of rubble or something.
I didnt see anything fall on em but was in the tank an awful lot yesterday scraping so odds are I dropped something on em
Tried to suck off the jelly with a turkey baster and he fell apart :(
Half his skeleton is showing now.
Sad day.

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About a quarter of him is still holding on. Dont have the heart to toss em yet in hopes of a recovery.

Is there anything wrong with keeping em another day or two to see if it recovers?

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