Cheap Frag Saw?


M.A.S.C Club Member
I saw this at Harbor Freight today and thought it would make a cheap frag saw. Not sure how well it would hold up to water and its limited on the cuts it could make but for under $40 I thought someone may be interested.

Picked up one of these a while back at a thrift store. Its a pretty cool little saw, just lacking in power for anything thick. It struggled a little on sched 40 pvc. But it does make nice clean cuts.
As far as chopping corals they would have to be bone dry, Id be scared to add water to the table on this little guy.
Denvercherub;149208 said:
you can find a dremel for less on craigslist
You can find new ones for under that price as well :) The lil saw I got at a thrift store for 5 bucks just to see if it would cut some plastics I was playing with.
I still prefer my dremel for plastics, just need to get one of the side saw kits for it.