I keep my fish well fed. Fish are opertuistic feeders, they will take whats easy. If you let them get hungry, theyre gonna eat stuff you dont want them to, if you keep them fed, they know the food will be coming and they will wait, becuase its easier. I feed 3 times a day, small portions. Once in the morning before I leave for work, my soe then does an afternoon feeding when he gets home from school and I do a night feeding just before the lights turn off.
It all comes back to what has become my favorite saying here, "DUE DILIGENTS"
Im sure my wrasses would eat inverts, if i let them go hungry, Im sure my coral beauty and flame angel would eat corals, if i let them go hungry. Im sure my trigger would eat anything she can fit in her mouth, again, if i let her go hungry, but since Im diligent wiht my feedings the fish have no reason to eat things they shouldnt be, the wrasses still pick at the rocks between feedings, my tangs still eat various algeas between feedings, but none of my fish bother any of the other inhabitants and attribute it to being diligent in feeding.
Trust me, If I dont feed for a day, the bannana wrasse will eat snails, the file fish will pick at zoas, but when properly fed they dont exibit any of these habits.