Cleaning out garage

Cleaning up my garage so if you see anything you like let me know. Everything is Obo or willing to trade for coral or other things. I want this stuff gone so I'm a motivated seller if you want to take a all of it and sort through it we can make a special super awesome deal :) I live in Westminster at 136th and Zuni ( extremely easy to get to from I 25)

1 five falling bucket of sand it's fine -10$
1 ten gallon amiracle wet dry brand new
( was filled to test then changed my mind) -10$
Egg crate pvc frag flat thing -make offer
2 ten gallon sumps-5$ each
Uv sterilizer I believe new but missing the power supply-10$
1 ten gallon quarantine tank with small hob filter , net and heater (not sure if working) copper was used -10$
Three bulb t5 light
RO unit -left in garage and it froze so piece broke -free
2 boxes of random power heads and pumps - make offer
2 water jugs 5 gallons I believe -5$ each?
A few other flow boxes (one really big one ) and I have the u tubes
1 opened bag of coarse substrate -5$
Gutted biocube 14 hood - free

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