Clown and my remaining corals fs


Cleaner Shrimp
I have a large maroon I need to get rid of. Its my last fish except for a hermit that ill just give to whoever buys something.
I would like 30 for the clown. I also have a large colony of green potatoe chip and a piece of frogspawn I was just given.
Plus tons of mushrooms and whatnot. I need to sell fast so I can empty the tank. I have some cyano in it now. Its not spreading im using gfo,
but I would rather just sell everything instead of spending money treating a near empty tank.


Cleaner Shrimp
How about 150 for all of it. Thats small pieces of brown and orange monti, a couple plain zoas, waving xenia thats attached to the glass, and the potatoechip and frogspawn and loose mushrooms plus some rock if you want.. Alot of the mushrooms are on a very nice large rock that will be an extra 50, only because I can use it
for a different tank I am going to be running and its kind of my "prize rock" if you will.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
Picks of the clown? Size? Gold stripe maroon?