This is another show-sized colony, at least 60-70 heads of blue spruce Caulastrea trumpets. Unfortunately, I do not have a good pic that shows the whole thing--most of it is behind the reef--but it is grapefruit sized. If you like big colonies, this would look great as a centerpiece, or, if you're into fragging, you could have a field day making as many frags as you can.
Auction guidelines:
Bid in any whole-dollar increments you would like. The auction will run until 7:00 p.m. Friday March 22—I will take the highest bid where the time stamp reads 6:59 or earlier. If you have questions, please PM me and I will respond as quickly as I can. Cheers.
Opening bid: $60
This pic shows about 1/4 or so of it.
Auction guidelines:
Bid in any whole-dollar increments you would like. The auction will run until 7:00 p.m. Friday March 22—I will take the highest bid where the time stamp reads 6:59 or earlier. If you have questions, please PM me and I will respond as quickly as I can. Cheers.
Opening bid: $60
This pic shows about 1/4 or so of it.