corals for sale

static reef

SCMAS Board Members
hey guys i have a ton of frags that i need to try and find a new home. I dont have much that is typical like hammers and torches but if you have an interest in the bright stuff that is "namebrand" than this might be a fun place to stop by this weekend. i have around 60 different types

cpt americas
darth maul
hallucinations (brand new to the aquatic world)
tons of chalices
lemon drops
twilight saga
florida gators
jolly green giants
Candy apples
pink zippers
a few rainbow acans
meteor showers
jason fox cyphastreas
mind blowers
tons of chalices
a few acro's
etc, etc, etc
not that great with a camera yet sorry

i am in falcon about a 1/2 mile from chris at reefkoi. if you are planning on coming down or you want to check or some different corals than just regular/typical corals than give me a call or a text at 843-3oneeight-27three6
ohhh thanks static reef now that I'm so broke that I can't see straight you haft 2 post this lol thanks a lot lol Hope you get lots and lots of takers !!!!

static reef

SCMAS Board Members
thanks brother. i wish that there were a few more hard core reefers down in the springs. or a bus that can bring everyone from denver to us


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Bump for a great guy with amazing priced corals, won't find a better price for his hallucination paly!! Someone snatch this up seriously!!!

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: corals for sale

What's the price for the hallucination paly and how many do you have for sale?

static reef

SCMAS Board Members
hallucinations are gone. sorry guys i had 2 total both with a couple of heads of darth mauls on the disc. Both are CL pick-ups believe it or not. Not a one went down to a masc or scmas groupie. They grow fast and i will make sure that i post when i have some more.

static reef

SCMAS Board Members
mustang boy I am still trying to figure out how i am going to set it up. I was down in the basement today actually trying to figure out how to get that much flow to the whole tank and connect it to my main system at the same time.