CoralVue Kudos


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
My CoralVue Gyre 150 died on me a little while back. I finally got around to contacting support. From the initial phone call to a new unit arriving in my mailbox was about 4 days. Keep up the good work guys!!



Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I liked it - I don't run other pumps, and I choose the gyre because I am running an peninsula tank. So, I get the flow I need and do not have any motors showing. I was running it at about 40% if I remember correctly. It has been so long since i had it on, the fish are going to wonder what the heck it happening...
I wanted to pick up the Vortechs from the guy in Greeley but it was just too far of a drive... I saw this in Larrys tank and really like what I saw and may end with on of these instead.


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
My only concern for buying a used one (if that is what you were thinking) is that the first round of these may have had some issues. Mine, for instance, had a break in the wire located right at the motor. Seeing as that it never moved once since I put it in the tank, this seems like a manufacturing flaw. Also, the tech is the one that directed me to look there.

With a new one, you get full support. Used may not yield as much. At least get a proof of original purchase if you can...