
I have been wanting a cucumber for a while. Does anyone have one that they have had long term? I would like to add one , I have 2 inches of sand in a 100 gallon tank. I want one that works on the sand bed, staying away from the more stunning looking ones.

Some of the inhabitants that I have that could conflict with it are as follows:

1. RBT Anemone on the sand bed
2. One hippo and one yellow tang
3. One hermit crab
4. One fighting conch
5. One cleaner shrimp

Any thoughts or experiences?
I had a pink cuke and it did well in my tank. Definitely eats through a lot of sand but I got rid of it after I resolved my cyano issue on the sand bed.


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I have had a common one for about 5 years and he is huge now. Not very pretty at all, looks like a big turd, but does a great job on my sand bed. Never climbs out on the rocks either


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
i had a couple of the common cucumbers as well as the sandsifting from they all did well and survived many moves. The common cucumber did a great job at cleaning anything at the bottom of the tank. the sandsifting from sealife is actually a filter feeder... just stays under a rock and extends its tentacles out into the current. My next build will have a few of these. Video of sandsifting below.



M.A.S.C Club Member
I have kept (and currently keep) cucumbers with all of your animals. My BTAs were on the rocks, not the sand, but I have a large carpet anemone on the sand and the cucumbers have no issues. Good animals for a reef, IMO.