09bumblebee;167730 said:
How so? Rotifers you have to culture everyday? Phyto you do not.
I say phyto is labor intensive because you have to clean something on a daily basis in order to maintain a viable culture.
I was taking about an hour a day just cleaning jars, lids, airtube and airlines. Kris is right about the crashes. I was having
so many crashes that it just became monotonous cleaning crashed cultures. And after a crash it was worse because you have
to be extemely anal about sterilizing everything that came into contact with that culture.
Rotifers aren't that labor intensive to me. I feed them, harvest if I need to, and that's about it. Sometimes I don't even harvest
for a week. I just feed them twice a day which consists of five drops of RotiGrow+ for each half gallon container at each feeding.
I've had this batch of rotifers culturing for a few months. My previous batch I kept going for about two years until I decided to stop.
Thankfully, Key's Island has live rotifers now so I just bought some and restarted. Rotifers are very hearty little guys. As long as you
don't overfeed or let them starve they will last a LONG time.